Thursday, June 28, 2012

Errors Interviewers, Managers, and Co-Workers Make

I decided to write this today because yesterday's interview along with Monday's appointment at the unemployment office inspired me to say what the Lord wants me to share with you. I find it interesting how the interviewers, who set up the posts on job searching sites, desire to hire those who meet their qualifications, but once they contact you to come in, they’re not what you expect them to be or they’re what you expect them to be. And category two applies to me. I'll explain why in a minute.

Yesterday, I had other business to attend before my interview. It was urgent and I couldn't delay it. Yes, it was that serious. That's what life is about. You have to do things you don't want to, in order to survive until something better comes along.

Okay, forwarding to the interview. I was riding on the 6 Train, (for those of you who never lived in New York, it's the Lexington Line on the East Side of Manhattan) and I arrived there on time. To my surprise, it wasn't a typical interview. It was a group interview. I felt awkward because I was dreading the questions she was going to ask. On the contrary, the interviewer's dog ran to me and her pet automatically likes me. Rocky was licking my ankle while I was petting his head. He really made my day in spite of the anxiety I was feeling.

When the interviewer asked me what happened to my last job. I couldn't lie, so I briefly told the truth, "Wrongful termination." As soon as I said it, the other candidates dropped their heads and evidently, I knew they felt my pain. Here is where the interview went sour for me. I noticed the interviewer was showing more favoritism towards the other interviewees versus me. Here is where she went wrong: she was wrong to assume that I caused it. You might say that is expected, but technically and legally speaking it is ignorant and narrow-minded. You can't assume because someone is terminated that he or she initially is the problem. Things are not what they appear to be.

And internally, I was loathing this interview more and more. She interrupted me while I was talking and kept undermining me when I was pointing out my strongest points as a worker. I felt empty and like trash. She was talking about no drama and she cursed in the interview, "Excuse me for saying this but I want no bull****. It is not allowed. We're friendly and close, and we like to keep it that way."

And no one can blame her for saying this, but it was her delivery that troubled me. God showed me a revelation while I was sitting at the table why DRAMA starts in the workforce: people do unnecessary things spiritually that upsets the tone in the work atmosphere.

Humor me for a moment and ponder what I'm saying here. If you've been in my shoes, then I'm glad you know where I'm heading. If not, hang tight. Maybe this message needs to enlighten you on this sensitive subject, my friend!

Here are some ways to know when you're poorly mistreated and not being respected as the worker you are:

1. Favoritism.

This is the number one, at least in my work experiences, what causes segregation and lousy performance in workers. Tension and strife, resentment and under-appreciation, wrongful whistle blowing and scheming is what causes overwhelming job losses.

I always keep God Word, as a reminder and a golden rule, hidden in my heart when it comes to treating others. "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 7:12 NIV)

In other words, treat others how you want to be treated. If you don't like people talking harsh to you, don't talk harshly to them. I don't know why most people forget this rule, but sometimes I honestly believe they deliberately choose to be ignorant because they don't want others to see their insecurities.

2. Lack of Respect.

Several co-workers and managers make these common mistakes. When the manager sets an example of treating certain employees better than others, this is where disrespect comes in. When a "Suzie" or "Mark" is always being chummy with the boss, but wrongly mistreat you behind the manager's back. This is where misconception about you is being brought to the “light.”

You could be minding your own business and doing what you’re supposed to do, so you can survive until your dreams come into fruition. Dreams don't happen overnight, they are work-in-progress and they need to be nurtured carefully, so you can be the person God intends you to be, whatever it is you have a passion for.

3. Gossiping and Slander.

People who love to gossip confuses venting with gossiping. Venting and gossiping isn't the same thing. If a person is venting or complaining about a particular problem that is affecting his or her work performance, this means he or she is crying out for help. He or she is not causing chaos. He or she wants a solution!

How many times have you been misunderstood for something you said and backbiters twist your words to make you look evil, when that isn't what you said at all? Let's be real here, this happens all the time in the workforce and we do nothing about it and allow innocent by-standers lose their jobs in the process.

When a person is causing you grief and making you seem like a monster, he or she doesn't want anyone to know it's really him or her stirring the drama—not you. And then, other co-workers look at you like you have stolen something precious from them and they don’t speak to you in the same manner anymore. It's sad, but this often happens.

There is nothing cute about intentionally defaming one's character. I go by this policy, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Hey, it keeps you out of the conspiring group!

4. No communication and not listening.

The reason why no one communicates properly is because no one takes the time to listen and understand. These two terms goes hand-in-hand. One person is doing the talking while the other is listening and absorbing what he or she is saying. In order to understand, it's important to ask questions so we can get clarity of what other individuals are saying to us.

The reason for wrongful termination is because the manager refuses to comprehend and to have compassion for the emotionally injured party. It doesn't matter if the manager likes the worker or not, the manager's job is supposed to be fairat all times.

Right is right and wrong is wrong. And I want you to know, please don't be afraid of speaking the truth, but handle the truth gracefully, if you can help it. Managers and Shift Supervisors are titles, not humans with names and emotions. It's not who you are and that is not your name. Your name identifies you as the unique person you are and separates you from others. You are truly special and never let anyone tell you otherwise. You are important and you have plenty to offer to those who are available to have you in their lives.

5. Don't discriminate.

Most people believe this term only refers to race or gender. But I use this word broadly because discrimination comes in many forms, which is based on personal biased opinions that are not based on facts.

These are the facts: You know what you can bring to the table and you know your strengths and weaknesses in the workforce. You know what you will and will not do. You know that everything you do in life, you must be the best person you can be. Always give it your all—no matter what profession you are in.

Don't let others look down on you because you are not "favorable" in their sight. What's important is you have God's Favor. God's Favor is undeniable. That's what I love about Him. As David so eloquently states in Psalms 30:5 KJV, "For his (God's) anger endureth but a moment; in his (God's) favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." (I put the emphasis on life and joy because God's results are always promising and permanent.)

I'm breaking this down for you, so you can get a clearer understanding and grasp these golden nuggets to help you go on with your life. God doesn't hold a grudge the way we, humans, do. And I'm so glad because He is quick to forgive and He doesn't hold your past against you. This is why He sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins, in our place instead, and bless us with God's eternal forgiveness.

Whatever your tears are caused by, please know, precious heart, it is only a season. And this is what the woman, at the unemployment office, said to the group on Monday about being unemployed, it's only for a season. It's all about perspective. Just because this is what I'm facing right now, it doesn't mean this is my permanent outcome!

A person who read my post sent me an encouraging e-mail and her words lift up my heart, indeed. Saying encouraging words, in season, will always benefit your soul. It's like eating golden apples that is satisfying, not only, to your stomach, but to your soul.

It's disappointing when we have more people who discourage others than encourage them.

I won't be moved if the interviewer contacts me or not, because I know what type of company I won't work for. I refuse to work for a company who will not allow my abilities to shine and help make its business productive. And if she rejects me, it's her loss. And I'm okay with that. I see it this way: God's got a better job that is suited for me.

And the same applies to you. God always will have Favor with you, but He does not show favoritism to one versus the other. He's fair in an unfair world. He will fight your battles for you. And when I explained my wrongful termination to the woman at the unemployment office, I noticed she listened carefully while I was shedding tears, and she said, "The problem is in her (my former co-worker), not you."

I needed to hear this and know this, because the enemy wants me to believe that I'm the blame. And I knew this was correct because when I prayed last year over this incident, the Lord revealed the same answer that I'm innocent and the problem is in my former co-worker. And what's so fascinating God used this woman, on Monday, to confirm what I told my former co-worker that what goes around comes around and there is nothing she can do about it. And when it happens to her, it will hit her hard and she won't know how to handle it, because she deliberately hurt others to lose their jobs (no, I'm not the only person she did this to. Others were fired because of her dastardly behavior).

I want you to know that no workplace is perfect, but it doesn't mean we have to partake in any drama, which others bring because of simple boredom in their lives. Usually when others cause trouble in your life at work, it's because they have nothing else better to do. And I'm saying this because the girl who caused me to get fired confessed this to me that she has no life. It's evident she has issues, but who doesn't have issues? The difference is in how you handle your problems.

I hope something resonated well with you today. If so, then God gets the Glory in my life, for speaking this to you. And if you're still hurting, I will gladly pray for you:

Father, I come to You as a broken vessel because I'm hurting and I'm afraid. I'm doing the best I can in this recession, but I can only do so much. Help me to remember that You are in control and You will not let this situation take me under. Be my Guide, my Comforter, my Friend, and my Provider. Bless me to trust You, even though I'm not certain of the outcome. I release my current situation over to You. In Jesus' Name, I pray, Amen.

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