Wednesday, October 3, 2012

When Hurt Leads to Anger, Bitterness, Revenge, and Grudges

"In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry." - (Ephesians 4:26 NIV)
Happy Wonderful Wednesday!!!
Oh, it's another day to be alive and we have a lot to be grateful for. While I was revising my e-book early this week, I asked the Lord what would He like for me to write for His people. And believe me, I had no clue until I read my e-mails. And this person's request inspired me to write this message, for I'm too familiar with this subject, and I know how difficult refraining from situations and people can be.
Do you ever feel like life is being unfair to you?
Do you feel like taking matters into your own hands?
Do you feel like throwing in the towel because the pressure of time isn’t granting you enough grace?
Have you ever held a grudge against someone who wasn't sorry for what he or she has done to you?
Have you ever felt so bitter that every time you turn around, everyone else is getting blessed but you?
Well, precious heart, you stopped by to read this devotion today. I feel God is prompting me to tell you that He desires for you to release all your hurt, anger, bitterness, and grudges over to Him.
When God sent His Only and Begotten Son to die for our sins, He made sure that Jesus fulfilled God's Will on Earth, so we won't have to bear everything ourselves. He wants you to know there is a Mediator, a Comforter, to advocate on your behalf. You want to know why, beloved? It's because He first loved you!
When Jesus came down in the flesh, He did it so He can understand what we're going through. He endured agony, persecution, betrayal, and adoration from those who needed Ultimate Healing from whatever bondages they had. He knew that we were going to need a Comforter in our times of trouble. John 14:18 (KJV) states, "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you."
Beloved, whenever we go to the altar of our hearts and we pray to God about our troubles, He's releasing the Holy Spirit, which makes intercession for us while we feel we're at the end of our ropes. And this means God will come to your rescue when you least expect Him to.
God doesn't want us withholding our feelings and walking around with bitterness in our hearts.
Why? I hear you asking me.
I'm about to explain. You see, when we're tempted to hold grudges, this feeling reserves a seat for bitterness, and then rage starts settling in our hearts. And this leads to a slower process of being healed. When we don't confess our true feelings to God, we slowly allow the enemy to take a hold on us to seek revenge because we were wronged or we “believe” we were wronged.
And, dear heart, it's natural to feel this way because we're human. God created us to have emotions. Nonetheless, we weren't created to keep our emotions bottled forever. And holding back our feelings, for a long period of time, lead to the unseen: bitterness, vengeance, anger, and grudges. It's easy to point out what's seen, because we automatically believe that only the seen is considered as "bad," which isn't true.
Just to be clear. It's all right to feel hurt and it's all right to feel angry, because we can't help how we feel. When it hurts, it hurts. Sucking in hurt every time isn't healthy and it doesn't resolve the issues at hand. Burying our emotions can only lead to destruction and despair.
Whenever bitterness rushes in like a flood, this is where I immediately go to God and I confess my deepest thoughts, which no one knows about, and I'm honest with Him because I know He's in charge, and He knows exactly how I feel.
Even though, He has the ultimate power to judge me, but I love how He pardons my emotions with His mercy and grace, because He sees ands knows my heart. He knows what I did do and what I didn't do. He knows what others did to me and what they didn't do to me. He knows about my fears and my struggles, and even my troubles. And the same applies to you as well. Beloved, whenever we go to God in prayer, there's a supernatural release that comes to our rescue when we feel like we're drowning.
Whenever I feel like striking back at those who caused me misery, the Lord reminds me that vengeance belongs to Him. He wants me to know that He had already seen what they did to me and He will deal with them accordingly to how He sees fit.
But whenever we pray, it's good to remember to ask God for forgiveness because this is how we're feeling at the moment. Remember: emotions change constantly, but God's Word remains forever and true.
God has the final say about everything. He's in charge. Whenever we're tempted to harbor bitterness toward those who hurt us, it’s imperative that we surrender our pain to Jesus. Whatsoever we ask in His name, He will do it and God will be glorified, and He will wash away our hidden pain we struggle with daily.
He will never leave us nor forsake us. Our lives are in His Hands. And this is what the Lord is saying to you today:
I know this person deceived you and betrayed you. My Child, hand it over to Me, for I will make this wrong right.
I know you're bitter about the unfair circumstances that hindered you from many opportunities, but if you surrender all you're hiding in your heart, I will set you free and give you a blessed life you longed to have.
I know you're holding a grudge for what was done to you, but why hold on to it, when it's only stealing your life away? I AM GOD. Cleave to what is good and refrain from evil, for vengeance is mine and I will repay to all who do evil against you.
I know you were sorely mistreated, but know that you’re latter is greater than your former. Release your cares unto Me and I will take care of you, if you trust Me.
I see your tears and pain. I see your anger and shame. I see your struggles and troubles. I see your heart and I know you're not out to hurt anyone. You want a chance at life. But know I'm giving you life more abundantly above all you can ask or think.
I know this situation is consuming you mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. But if you tell Me how you feel, I can turn what the devil mean for evil and work it out for your good.
I know you don't want to forgive them, but hear Me when I say, you must forgive them, not for their sakes, but for your sake so you’ll be set free. Whom the Son set free, surely you are free indeed.
Why are you trying to fight these battles on your own? Don't you know I'm on your side? These battles are not yours, they are Mine. Don't fight back, but be still and know that I am God.
For your life is in My Hands, and the plans I have for you will prosper and it will work out for your good because I'm doing a new thing in you.
Just give your burdens over to Me, and I will turn it around in your favor.
Beloved, if you received God's message, and it was personally meant for you, then surrender all your feelings to Him right now and He will move on your behalf.
Prayer: Father, I come to You with all the hurt, resentment, bitterness, and grudges I’m holding in my heart. They are keeping me bound and I don't know what to do anymore. I'm having such a hard time of letting go and it's hard to see those who wronged me get away with evil and they're prospering without feeling guilty. Lord, I surrender my anger, bitterness, and my need for revenge to You right now, in Jesus' name. I ask You to deliver me and set me free. I don't want to carry this pain in my heart anymore. I want to have all that You have for me. I want to walk in Your Love, Peace, and Joy. Forgive me when I hold on to buried emotions, which keep me bound. Forgive me when I don't come to You first about my problems. Forgive me when I think wrong thoughts, which don’t glorify You. Save me from my troubles and deliver me out of my struggles. Bless me to forgive those who betrayed me and mistreated me. Bless me to love more and hate less. Bless me to continually seek You in all things, even when I don't understand why these things are happening to me. And Lord, open my enemies' eyes and hearts to see how bad they hurt me. Have Your way with their hearts and show them the error of their ways. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
If you believe in this prayer, and you know that God has heard your cry, then you will see the salvation of the Lord coming to assist you. May He supply all your needs according to His riches in glory through Jesus Christ. May your heart be healed and delivered from whatever feelings, which are keeping you oppressed and bound. May He bless you real good this week. And know that I love you with the love of Christ. Until next time, be blessed.

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