Thursday, July 19, 2012

Mocking is Bullying

Boy, it's been a minute since I posted on here. I caught a terrible cold, but the good news is, I made some chamomile mint tea with honey and ginger, and I'm starting to feel better. I know this topic will have your attention because the Lord has been weighing the word mockery on my spirit for two days. Apparently, He wants me to share this with you, because you need to know that someone's petty attitude toward you have nothing to do with you, but with the insecurities they're dealing with, when he or she believes no one is looking.

Bullying is a serious issue and this situation must always be addressed. I don't think some people are aware of the dangerous effects bullying and mocking can cause on others. I'm calling it for what it is, and you don't have to agree with me and that's fine, but bullying is PURE EVIL. How is God glorified in bullying???

We're all created in His Image and He didn't make any mistakes on us! And don't let a deceiver tell you otherwise. Bullying just doesn't happen; it starts from somewhere. Bullying is a learned behavior. As the saying goes, "More is caught than taught."

I honestly believe the spirit of bullying is encouraged from those who were bullied, and then, they turn around and do the same thing to other innocent people. Can two wrongs make a right? Absolutely not!

I don't understand why some people feel empowered to bully those, who they consider as "weak" or a "loser."

I'm going to stand up for all those who aren't able to stand up for themselves. To all those who bully: you’re only hurting yourselves in the long run! Not the victims you prey on. When you make fun or talk about others, it shows how un-productive you really are. People who bully are simply bored and they enjoy making others feel inferior to them or they want to hurt others the way their bullies hurt them.

To the first-part of those who enjoy bullying others. These people who fall in this category are emotional thieves. When they see what you're weaknesses are, they try to use them against you like they won the “battle.” In actuality, if you're sitting on the other end, those who intentionally bully, the joke is always on them. Always.

Why? I hear you asking. I'll tell you why. I'll never forget in summer 2005, I was working at a job, and a supervisor (who was promoted prematurely) who thought she was better than me and she felt she could trample all over me as she pleased. She knew I wasn't going to humiliate myself in front of the customers like she did to me, so she honestly believe she was winning. She was envious of me and she had seen God in me. I'm calling it for what it is. You see, the scribes and Pharisees tried to put Jesus in the same pit they dug for Him, but every time they attempted to set Him up, they fell in their pits each and every time. Oh, yes I get a kick out of those who intentionally cause misery for others because they are spiritually foolish. And because they are not sorry for bullying people like you and me, they delude themselves thinking this blissful ride will last forever. Nothing last forever, my friend.

I want to be clear, I don't relish in seeing people fall, for it's a horrible feeling and sometimes, it isn't their fault due to circumstances. Life happens. Anyone who has a heart of compassion knows this, however, for those who aren't sorry for what they have done, you best believe evil is waiting for them in the future, because they're refusing to change and they don't care who they hurt, as long as they are number one. Hey, if you think I'm lying, humor me and watch the person who constantly is cruel to you, and really observe them to see if they "got-it-all" like they claim. The power of observation is a lifesaver and you should always use it to your advantage. Remember: actions speak louder than words. It's what they're not saying that let's you know what they actually think of you. Anyone who believes they have to manipulate a situation by bullying others to get what they want, they're living in a world of delusion. And everything they schemed over to make you look bad will come tumbling down.

Anyways, back to my story, I remember her words clear as yesterday when I was hired at another company: "Oh, you think you're something now that you got a new job. Just because you're getting a new job, you still have to do your job here."

The nerve of her and anyone who truly has worked with me will tell you I always get the job done. You can take that to the bank because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. You see, she believed because I was hired elsewhere due to customers would always speak to me versus her. (A customer helped me get the other job. Hey, it doesn’t cost a dime to be kind!) And even if that was the case, I take this simple golden rule with me everywhere I go: treat others how you want to be treated. But here's the thing she failed to realize, it's not because I have favor with people. I quickly learned that people's favor constantly flip-flop. But God's Favor never changes. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. (Psalms 30:5)

Let's forward to summer 2009, I was taking a temp-job and guess who I saw at the job I was hired to do? Yep, you guessed correctly, the supervisor who caused me grief. That shows you right there God isn't fond of ugly behavior. It’s important to know when you should pick-and-choose your battles. Godly wisdom makes all the difference. Our wisdom will always fail us, but when we rely on God’s wisdom, our situations will continually work out for our good. I’m speaking on what I know, or else I wouldn’t be saying this to you. Let God fight your battles for you. When people make assumptions about a situation they clearly know nothing about, of course, they would make foolish statements, and then they have the nerve to use Jesus as their strong suit, about when a person should have backbone. Only a fool is quick to fight back with his or her adversary. But a wise person quickly agrees with his or her nemesis and remembers who does the judging: God. I asked her what happened and she told me she was laid off. I noticed her arrogant behavior was stripped from her and God has definitely matured me spiritually from 2005 to 2009. (He is still working on me!) I felt sorry her because the very thing she put confidence in, she lost it.

And sometimes God has to break those who bully us to get their attention. And yes, in every situation there is a lesson learned. It's up to us to recognize it. And let's remember this: what one person's lesson to learn is not the same for the next individual. God created us accordingly to our unique identities. And this is a good thing. :)

So, know the haughty ones will always fall because they think they're untouchable.

If you can process anything I'm saying to you in this post, I pray you are healed, in Jesus' name, and remember the problem is in the one who is bullying you—not you. And ask God to take the blinders off the bully's eyes. For God knows how to convict a wicked heart. He can tap in anytime He pleases because He's God. God always bring those who harmed me in my path because I will do the right thing to forgive them. (When enough time has passed.)

I will be honest, when you're going through it's hard to forgive those who torture you because your emotional wounds are so deep, you don't know whether to turn left or right. And you're not in that place to receive the one who hurt you. This is completely understandable. You can't force a run-in with those who harmed you. Only God has the power to allow you to run into your adversary on His Timing. Not the adversary's and not yours. When God makes a wrong right, He does it well, and He will let you feel a peace about it, even when you are afraid. And when you make peace with your enemy, God performs a dynamic miracle where you'll know it was nobody but God. Yeah, God is awesome like that!

I will always be real with you because I love you enough to tell you the truth as God is directing me to, so you can be set free. I'm not here to persuade you to believe the way I believe. No, for we all have free will to do as we please. However, I will always write what God places in my heart what concerns Him about His creation: us.

Anyone who believes mocking is cool, it is not cool.

Anyone who enjoys belittling others and believes it is cool, I'm going to say it again, it is not cool.

Life and death (positive and negative) is in the power of our mouths. Whatever we profess, so it shall be. This is food for thought. Please stop speaking deadly things over those you think won't make it. You are not God and you didn't give them life. Their lives are in God's Hands—not yours!

I'm learning to embrace everyone as they are because we're all precious in God's sight. This sick, chaotic world we're living in is not Heaven. All these evil reports of people dying, being kidnapped, and being bullied to death is not of God. God is all about love and forgiveness. And yes, He's all about justice, too. I love how my sister eloquently states this, "Some people think God is on vacation." It sounds humorous, but she's right. God sees everything and when He judges, He judges accordingly to how He sees fit, not on what we think the person deserves because we need to keep this in mind: we make mistakes, too.

And it's by God's mercy and grace that we're still here. True transformation takes place when we learn from our mistakes and keep growing the way God intends us to grow in our daily lives. And I will pray for those who suffer from bullying and those who do bully.

Prayer for those who are bullied: Father, I stretch my hands to You. There are people in my life who constantly pick on me because I don't fit in their circle. I’m hurting daily, Lord. And it bothers me when my bully is/bullies are making fun of me and I can't even be myself without someone finding something "wrong" with me. Heal my broken heart. There are days where I don't want to face my bullies because all they do is cause me grief instead of joy. Lord, strengthen me in my time of weakness and have mercy on me. Bless me to fight the good fight of faith and save me from those who causes me agony! Fight my battles for me and encourage me to know I am fearfully and wonderfully made. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Prayer for those who bully: Father, I'm intervening on those who bully the innocent. Lord, I ask in Jesus' Name, to show them the error of their ways. Convict their hearts and show them how they caused their victims grief. Turn their stony hearts into compassionate hearts. Lord, whatever issues they are dealing with at home, show the bullies how to turn their negative situations into positive ones. Lord, show them that You don’t make mistakes on Your Creations! Help them in their time of weakness as well. If they are using bullying as a defense mechanism, help them to put an end to it, and may their hearts be encouraged from whatever they’re facing. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

I pray this message is helpful to whoever reads this. If you know anyone who is being bullied, pass this along to them and let them know there is hope in God, and it will get better, and they shouldn't throw their lives away, they have something to live for. I love you with the love of Christ. Be blessed. 

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