Saturday, September 8, 2012

Beloved, Think it Not Strange Part 1

"Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye (you) are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye (you) be glad with exceeding joy." - (1 Peter 4:12-13 KJV)

Happy Stompin' Saturday!!!!

Oh, it's a lovely day in spite of the rain showering its way through New York. But I'm glad to be alive. As many of you know, I caught a terrible cold and for a minute there, I didn't think I would recover, but thanks be unto God, He healed me. I owe it all to Him. I don't take it for granted to get out of bed when He wakes me up. I don't take it for granted that He blessed me with another year to live in my apartment despite what my enemies did to me last year. God is a good God!!!!

Forgive me for my excitement, but the Lord's Spirit is resting on me to nourish you with encouragement, while you are hurting from past or current situations. Today's text is talking about think it not strange about fiery trials (yes, I'm using plural, because most of us have more than one situation swinging baseballs our way!), which are to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you. I pray that God has His Way in this post and you are tremendously blessed with what the Lord is saying to you, precious heart. You need to know when things are occurring bizarrely in your life, and sometimes when this happens, it can be of our own doing, but the majority of trials that come our way are not our fault.

Hang in there with me. You're probably wondering why I'm saying this. I'm going to elaborate. You see, speaking from a Christian's point-of-view, you do your best to live a blameless life, and the enemy doesn't like it—at all!

When you surrendered your life over to Christ, who died for our sins, and acknowledged to God you need Him in every aspect of your life, His Holy Spirit births something new in your soul. You no longer carry worldly traits of what the world says, "It's the right thing to do when someone attacks you." The battles on Earth doesn't belong to you anymore, they belong to God, and God alone.

When you're in a pit, whatever pit it may be, God will show you things you haven't noticed before when you were in a difficult position with the adversary (the devil). He begins to uncover clues that were standing right in your face the entire time. And yes, He will reveal your answers in the biggest way possible!

You see, I'm learning that we, as people, tend to think we can manipulate others who we perceive as "naïve." Oh, this couldn't be further from the truth. The Holy Spirit is there to take the blinders off our eyes to really see what we've been ignoring all along. But what I love about God is, when He makes a promise, He never goes back on His Word and His Word never returns to us void. One thing is solid and true: God's Word.

And it's up to us, beloved, to open our spiritual eyes and actually see what the Lord is revealing to us about our situations and people in our lives.

All weekend long, I've been giving God ridiculous praise because He's getting ready to clean up what the devil meant for evil in my life last year. And oh yeah, I'm getting the last laugh because God is in control.  When God comes to deliver you, He does it, in a way, where it's quick and He'll convict your heart to know that it was nobody but Him. That's what I love about the Lord, He always make the wrong right. We, humans, mess up situations royally, but God fixes our situations abundantly above all we can ask or think because He's God. Everything He does, He does it well. I love to boast about God because He's my Deliverer, my Best Friend, and He's my WORLD!!!

God made a promise to me last year that He’s going to repay those who caused me misery in my life with the same measure, but one thousand times worse, because what they did was wicked in His Sight. You see, when I came to New York, in late 2003, the Lord visited me and told me, like He did with Abraham in Genesis 12:3 (KJV): I will bless them that bless you, and curse them that curse you.  God takes offense when someone comes against His elect and intentionally harms him or her because of the Holy Communion he or she has with God. It’s dangerous territory messing with God’s anointed (all who believe in Him, this has nothing to do with rank. God knows who sincerely loves Him) and His Word tells us this. “Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.” – (1 Chronicles 16:22, Psalms 105:15 KJV). And this line up with the scripture, in Galatians 6:10 (KJV), about being good to every one, especially to the household of faith, “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good to all men (people), especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” It’s clear that God doesn’t want us to mistreat each other, saved or not. I want you to know I don't rejoice in people's downfalls, because we all fall short! Only God judges accurately about our situations accordingly to how He sees fit, in Him there is no lie. He sees the whole picture clearly. However, it's up to us to recognize when we make mistakes that we must make the wrong right and learn from our shortcomings. That's what makes a person redeemed in God's eyes and then He reveals His Glory to the people around him or her to know He is real in his or her life.

I know what I'm talking about because God has redeemed me in the past. And He's still redeeming me right now, even when others, who wanted me to fall flat on my face, can't see it. When the enemy sends people to throw you off-track or condemn you, you must know it's not from God. For God is not about condemnation, but He is about justice and liberty! God doesn't want us bound, whether you believe in God or not, He wants us free in Him, so we can enjoy life the way He intends us to for His Good Pleasure.

Beloved, one thing I'm learning I don't find it strange when others smile in my face, thinking they're slick, and they delude themselves thinking I can't tell when they're lying to me. God shows me exactly what they’re hiding from me, even when they can’t look at me straight.

I don't find it strange when those who are close to you betray you in the most upsetting way.

I don't find it strange when people hold grudges against you and then open Satan's door to be used for evil and make you fall in their trap. Hey, we all hold grudges in our hearts, especially when the person is not sorry for intentionally hurting us, in the first place. And that is a normal feeling, but if the person realizes what he or she has done and he or she corrects the mistake, forgive him or her. We’re all human and we all make mistakes and we all deserve forgiveness. Think of it this way: if the situation were reversed, we would want to be forgiven. Nonetheless, holding grudges too long will open the door for evil, if we don’t check it early by being honest with God on how we feel what others have done to us.

I don't find it strange when people try to use you only when it suits them, and then they drop you like a bad-habit after they get what they can out of you.

I don't find it strange in this world, we're living in today, that chaotic things are happening when we turn on the news to learn about tragic events.

I don't find it strange when you have a personal relationship with God, and the enemy comes to sift you and leaves you destitute spiritually; convincing you to believe that all hope is gone.

I don't find it strange when backstabbers call themselves "a friend" or “family” when all they want to devour what God gave to you, and you alone.

I don't find it strange when others mock you because they see God's Hand over your life and He blesses you with His Anointing you paid a high price for, and they don't know what you had to surrender—in order to get His Anointing.

If you're hurting, dear heart, know your change is coming soon. Remember: God's timing is not our timing and when He delivers us on His time, He does it for a reason. I can hear you asking, "What do you mean, Chimere?"

I'm about to explain. During your time for deliverance, He's molding you, maturing you, blessing you, helping you, and answering your prayers while going through. And during this dark phase in your life, He wants you to be closer to Him than ever, so when good times come, you don't take them for granted and still keep God in your heart. It's easy to get lost in this sin-filled world and to think that material things, people, and other situations are supposed to make us "whole" or "special." We are already special because God had us in mind and He loved us first, when He created us, beloved.

I'm learning that when I have or don't have, God is enough. When people betray me or forsake me, yes, precious heart, God is enough. And He knows how to give you everlasting joy that comes from Him, and Him alone. He knows how to sing you a song in a strange land. He knows how to soothe your doubts and calm your fears when it seems like there is no way out. He is a Way-Maker, a Keeper, and a Deliverer. He's a Provider, He's a Healer, and He's our Peace-Maker. Whenever you're in trouble and you feel like you're about to lose your mind, call on Jesus, and He always steps-in-on-time!

Whatever it is you're going through today, know that God has already worked out your problems for you in advance. And if you believe by faith, that it's already done, then give God praise right now.

So, don't be discouraged when fiery trials come in like a flood, attempting to drown you. Know that God will not let the fire consume you or let the water take you under. He will always rescue you because your life is in His Hands and no one will pluck you out of His Hands.

For those who need prayer for deliverance, you're at the right place and I pray that you are healed, in Jesus' Name, and He will set you free and fight your battles for you.

Let's Pray: Father, I come to You for my deliverance. I'm bound by so many situations, I feel like I can't breathe. But I ask you, in Jesus' Name, to set me free from my current heartaches, to set me free from the hands of my enemies while they pursue me relentlessly, and to hide me in Your Pavilion and bless me to not be bitter, even when times I still feel bitter and angry for the unfair treatment I received and I'm still receiving in my life, bless me to be better in You. Save me from my troubles, and please don't hide Your Face from me anymore. Answer me, Lord, and I'll receive all that You have for me. I decree it by faith that it's already done, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

If you believe in this prayer that God has already worked it out for your good, then thank Him in advance and wait for your miracles to arrive. May you be encouraged and fight the good fight of faith. And know that I love you with the love of Christ. Until next time, be blessed.


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