"Beloved, think it not strange
concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing
happened unto you: But rejoice inasmuch ye (you) are partakers of Christ's
sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye (you) may be glad with
exceeding joy." - (1 Peter 4:12-13 KJV)
Happy Super and Serene Sunday!!!
I'm back and The Lord won't let me rest until I
write part two of this message. As His Holy Spirit is upon me, I must say, God
wants me to give you refreshment for your weary soul. And when you are weary,
you want to surrender and walk away while everything and everyone gave up on
you. Is this resonating with you? If so, then you're reading the right message.
I'm so sensitive to God's Spirit that I want His Message to saturate your soul. I desire to please God
on resuming with this mission He placed in my heart to do for Him. I
don't take my call lightly and I don't play church just to appease others, so
they can "like" me. It's not effective and it's not being real. I'm
sorry, I don't mean to step on any toes, but I must keep it real, but in a way,
where it speaks to your heart and gives you something to reflect on.
My heart is filled with so much joy because the
Lord is moving in my life, even though in the natural, my situation appears
bleak. But I thank God, I walk by faith and not by sight. I hear the Lord
saying, He is looking for those who are willing to commit themselves
to Him, and Him alone.
Being faithful to God, even when you slip, wins
and woos His Heart for you each and every time. You want to know why? Because
when you rely on God, God can't fail you, the way people will fail
you. God won't betray you or toss you out once you do things for Him, or even
when you fall occasionally. His pure love for you is why you're alive today.
You see, I'm fully committed to God even when
situations go south for me.
"Why?" I hear you asking me.
I've come to an absolute conclusion and I have
certainty that God will always come to my rescue, in spite of the
devil's intentions to make me look bad. In the last post, I've stated I don't
find it strange about things that happened to me anymore, because I'm
learning that as long as I'm on Jesus' team, I will be lied on, laughed at,
misunderstood, and persecuted. But it’s all to the Glory of God.
The year before I gave my life to the Lord, the
enemy literally tried to choke me in my sleep when I used to live in my
parents' home. I was sleeping with a blanket on. I started suffocating when I felt a strong force around my neck. But I fought back and called on Jesus, in my mind, and the enemy's evil spiritual hands were off my neck. When I woke up, I thought there was a thief in the house. But it was no one there. It was just my sisters who were sound asleep while I stayed awake, feeling terrified. Yes, this is true because Satan saw it coming that I would
eventually give my life to God and I would be sold out for Him. And I still am.
So, the devil is on my case. He knew that I had
plans with someone I love dearly and I still have plans with this person
because we made a covenant with God, to stick to the plans He has for us.
That's why Satan gladly used them, whom were an opened vessel, last year, to
get me fired. Satan didn't want me to see my loved ones again, because if I
were still working, I would be on vacation right now, seeing my immediate
Now looking back, I'm glad God allowed it to
happen because I was hurting so bad. I really didn't have time to grieve all
the turmoil that happened to my family and to me. God wanted me to commune with
Him and get into that secret place in Him. And yes, it is working out for my
good. So, God wants to me write for Him, in the meantime, until my change
comes. The enemy brought sickness on me last month, because he hates it when I
pour out what the Lord wants me to share with you, so you can be set free. Whom
the Son sets free, surely he or she is free, indeed.
And despite what the devil concocted for me, in
2011, he didn't win the battle because God has already settled my current
situation, and now I'm waiting for the results to come in to fruition. I love
how God brings people my way, in a bizarre way, because I know it is God, who is
making these wrongs right.
You want to know why God keeps coming my rescue,
it's because I really, really love Him and I'm totally
committed to Him. He knows how to fill-in voids when I'm lonely, afraid, or
hurting. He knows how to comfort me when I call on His Name. As Jesus said in
John 14:18 (KJV), "I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to
you." God has given us a Comforter, which is His Holy Spirit, and His Holy
Spirit is what makes intercessions for us, when we don't know what to pray for.
When people deny you and start acting crazy on
you, God is there for you.
When people say you can't make it, God says your
dreams will come to pass.
When people doubt what God has anointed you to
do, He automatically makes His Presence known through His Glory shining
brightly in your life.
When people talk junk about you, let them go
about their business, for God saw what they did and heard what they said. God
is not mocked, and they will reap what they sow. And you can take that
to your bank account.
When people focus on making you unhappy because
they're unhappy, make yourself scarce from them, all they will do is
bring you down and they want you to stay there. But know that God's plan for
you will come true, because God doesn't lie, the way people do.
When people are concentrating on crushing your
dreams, know their evil schemes will be destroyed, because God will not let
your fiery trial take you under.
Don't you find it strange when
people are coming against you, and they promise they will always be there for you?
You will come across situations that will make
your scratch your head once you're thrown in the metaphorical fire. You will
feel the flames turning up higher, as you struggle to hang on to God's Promises
for your life.
Beloved, I stopped scratching my head last year
and came to the conclusion, that I'm closer to my blessing than I think. That's
right. I know I am.
And I'm going to say it again. I don't find
it strange anymore when backstabbers betray me.
I don't find it strange anymore when God
revealed all the clues He wanted me to see what happened in 2011. And the more
I reflect what happened to me, the more it makes sense.
I don't find it strange anymore when God
keeps showing me that things are not what they always appear to be.
I don't find it strange anymore when
people act up on me with no legitmate reason, and it's because they see God in me.
I don't find it strange anymore when
Satan tries to discourage my sisters and abort their dreams, because
God will always use me for His Glory to encourage them that they will go on and
God will show Himself strong in their lives and mine, too.
I don't find it strange anymore when God
shows me about certain folks, who were in my life last year, and what they have done behind
my back; and they actually delude themselves to believe they're getting
away with what they did to me. Yes, God loves us unconditionally, but I want to
be clear, He doesn’t condone wickedness, when evil deeds hurt innocent
Beloved, I'm telling you it's all right, because
God has already ordered my steps before I entered my mother's womb. God has already
set-it-in-motion for my life, for greater and better things to come my way, no
matter how long I'm waiting on His Promises to come into fruition. My blessings are
delayed, not denied. Your blessings are delayed, not denied. And when I look back, I have never seen God not
delivering His Promises to me. When He revealed to me people would apologize to
me, back in 2007 and 2008, it came true.
When He told me I would get my apartment through
Section 8, yes, beloved, that came true as well. And I'm still living
in my home, as we speak!
When He told me and showed me how the woman would
betray me in church, and when and where it would take place, back in 2007, yes,
beloved, it came true!
When He revealed the mysteries of last year's
unnecessary sufferings that was brought in my life, yes, they came true, too,
because they happened exactly like God said, and He revealed to me what was in
my enemies' hearts. Yes, they hate me so much—they desire to see me fall.
But guess what? I'm still here. And it's
truly by the grace of God. Family will turn on you. Friends will walk away.
Enemies will always connive diabolical plans to hurt you, but I come to here to
tell you that God is on your side. Rejoice and know He's coming to your rescue.
Rejoice and know He'll never leave you nor forsake you. Rejoice and know that
God is faithful and true. Rejoice and know that all things work together for
the good of them that love the Lord and they are called according to His
Purpose. Beloved, rejoice and know that when God arises, your enemies will scatter!
Is there anything too hard for God? He turns the impossible into possible.
He knows how to make a way out of no way! When you’re down to your
last dime, God always steps-in-on-time!
He knows how to wipe your tears and calm your fears
when your back’s against the wall. He knows how to send you assistance when it
seems like everyone has forsaken you. He knows how to love you. He makes His
Presence known in your life daily, that He's here for you. When you wake up out
of bed, you're blessed to see another day. When you can get up and clean for
yourself, shower for yourself, put clothes on your back, and even have food to
eat, you're blessed. When you receive threatening letters about eviction or
shut-off notices, God finds a way to keep you safe and you're still
living in the home He blessed you to have.
God is God. He is Alpha and Omega. He is our
Redeemer. He is our Healer. He is Sovereign. God will do whatever He wants to,
whenever He wants to, because He is God.
So, beloved, the next time you find it strange
when things start happening out-of-the-blue, rejoice with exceeding joy to know
God is working it out for your good. He's cleaning up situations in your life
and He's getting ready to do a new thing in you. Don't be discouraged and don't
be dismayed, God is here for you. Behind every dark cloud, there's a silver
lining. And when the storm is over, you will see the sun shining. I'm learning
to praise God in spite of the frustrations I've endured. I'm learning to be in
His Presence through talking to Him daily about everything in my life. I'm
learning to lean on my faith, because my human intellect can only carry me so
far, but with my faith in God will exceed beyond my wildest dreams, because I
dare to believe God even if it sounds crazy. Yes, I believe God. When He says
He will make my enemies pay for what they did to me in 2011, oh yes, you best
believe vengeance belongs to Him, because He is the ultimate Judge and He has
the final say.
In your bitterness, beloved, be honest with Him
and don't leave anything out. It's okay to be real with God because He
understands you, He knows you, and He cares about you.
Stay away from evil. Don’t get even because they
harmed you. It will not benefit anything for your soul. Let God fight your battles
for you. When He fights your battles for you, He always comes out victorious.
Delight yourself in God and do good, and He will
give you the desires of your heart, when it lines up with His Will for your
And finally, after you've done all you can,
stand. Stand on His Word. Stand on His Promises. I guarantee you, when God
delivers you out of your situation, you'll be extremely satisfied with the
results, because He loves you and He truly wants what is best for you.
Prayer: Lord, I give thanks
to You because You are God. I know You are Mighty and Able. I trust and know
You have already worked out my situation for my good. Lord, deliver me and give
me peace, a peace that passes all understanding. Bless me to always be honest
with you, no matter how bad my problems offend me. Bless me to overcome this
battle with Your help and strengthen me in my time of weakness. For when I am
weak, that is when You make me strong in You. I believe by faith it's already
done. In Jesus' name, Amen.
May your hearts be encouraged! Continue to fight
the good fight of faith! Don't let anyone deter you from pursuing whatever God
placed in your heart to do on Earth. Cleave to what is good and have no
dealings with evil. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but as
long as you have Jesus on your side, you will live your life abundantly above
all you can ask or think. And know I love you with the love of Christ. Until
next time, be blessed.
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