"Wherefore, my beloved, as ye (you) have
obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out
your own salvation with fear and trembling." - (Philippians
2:12 KJV)
Happy Thriving Thursday and Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Last time, in Working Out Our Own Salvation Part 1,
I mentioned on how some people are focused on others and not themselves. I also
talked about salvation and 10 steps to receive it. We're going to quickly
review the first-half of these five steps, so we can continue with the
Step 1: Humility.
Step 2: Acknowledging we're sinners.
Step 3: Repenting for our sins.
Step 4: Surrendering our hearts over to
Step 5: Believing Jesus has died for our
And here is the second-half in receiving
Step 6: Forgetting what we
"think" we know, or what we have already learned about God by others
telling us about their experiences with Him. (It can be positive or
negative.) Don't get me wrong. It's fine about hearing others' testimonies
on knowing God for themselves. It's a beautiful thing
and that's what draws people to know God even more. However, God desires for us
to know Him for ourselves. There's nothing like developing a personal
relationship with our Heavenly Father. There’s nothing like it.
(I'm saying this with a smile on my face, that's how truly awesome being close
to God is.)
Step 7: Sincerely hungering and
thirsting for God by admitting we want to learn about His Ways. How do we learn
about God's ways? We simply read God's Word for ourselves, so we won't be
deceived. Every person you meet, who says they are of God, isn't always of Him.
The LORD, Himself, will reveal to you if this spirit is from Him or not. Apples
don't come from an orange tree, and oranges don't come from an apple tree.
Step 8: Praying to God daily. I
want you to know it's not the quantity of time, which makes your relationship
with God essential, but it's the quality of your time, which delivers you into
all truth about Him.
Step 9: Praising God for all He
has done in your life. Counting your blessings is vital. Hey, you're alive.
That's enough to praise Him right there, in spite of going through an imperfect
Step 10: Worshipping God wholeheartedly.
Worship is a personal and profound adoration toward God of how much He means to
you. Once you enter worship mode, this is where God reveals
Himself to you in the most dynamic way. It’s a beautiful thing
when we relish in His sweet, loving Presence. That's how wonderful God is. He
gives you peace, even when you have storms all around you. Yes, His Peace
passes all human understanding, which comes from God and God alone.
And once you receive His Peace, everything around
you won’t matter because you have assurance that God's in control, and He won't
abandon you or lose patience with you because you're feeling
lonely. He's not insensitive like we, as people, tend to be at times. 1 Peter
5:7 reminds us to cast all our cares on Him, because He cares
for us.
These were the necessary steps I did for myself on knowing God personally. If I hadn't taken these steps, I wouldn't be right
where I am, today, to tell you how much I love Him with all my heart, mind, and
soul. And I still apply these steps in my life because it humbly reminds me
that I can easily fall into temptation and sin.
But thank you, Jesus, we have an Advocate who
pardons our sins by forgiving us and tossing them into the sea of
forgetfulness. When we acknowledge our errors and don't make excuses for our
ways, He actually sees sincerity and remorse in our hearts, and this is where
He does a new work in us, so we'll become more like Him.
Before we condemn others about their weaknesses,
it's good to remember we're not perfect. I'm learning that
cold-hearted and arrogant people are the most uncompassionate and least
understanding people I know. They make harsh and irrational judgments about
you, like there is something with you and not them. If this resonates with you,
and you're reflecting on people, in your life, behaving this way toward you,
then you know exactly what I mean. People, who fall into this
category, don't listen to what you're saying. They have ears, but
they're not hearing you. They're spiritual radars are dull and this is because
someone did that to them. You can believe some people are the way they
are, because of what was done to them. It's sad, but true. And then, they
pass this venomous behavior to innocent people, who genuinely care about them, and this is how the vicious cycle begins.
This is the main reason why the world is the way it is. We're so cruel to each other and the way we're behaving toward each other is alarming and
It's the content in our hearts what makes us
clean or unclean—not being poor, homeless, or a failure. Our actions define who
we are. This is a very important lesson to remember. People will not remember
us for fame or fortune, but for the life we lived on Earth. The seeds we sow, whether
it’s pleasure (good) or pain (evil), people will remember us by our deeds.
These 10 steps, I listed above to you, are here
to help us stay on the right-track of working out our own salvation. These
steps will also allow God to show us revelations about the very questions we
have about people and our situations.
The girl who e-mailed me admitted to me when God
showed her essential truths about her situations, she sees what is
of God and what isn't. My friends, she is on the right-track to knowing God for
herself, the way God created her. We're all unique. None of us communicate to
God in the same manner, when we’re praying to Him. That's what makes us extremely
special in His Eyes. He sees beyond our faults and meets our needs. If I were
temperamental and self-absorbed with the girl who e-mails me about her progress
of growing in God, she probably would have given up on God altogether. And this
self-absorbed behavior is what pushes people away from God instead of going to
That's why it irks me when some people
in the world call themselves Christians, giving real Christians, like
me, a bad name. I don't believe in hypocrisy or false prophecy. If you're going
to be a non-believer, be one. If you're going to be a believer, go all the
way. There is no half-stepping with God—it's either one or the other. Yes,
there are times where we will feel divided because it's a part of life, but
division shouldn't be consistent throughout our lives. This leads to being unstable
in our ways.
And how you'll truly know who belongs to God and
who doesn't, it's through the fruit we bear. "Beware of false
prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening
wolves. Ye (you) shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of
thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit;
but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth
evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit." -
(Matthew 7:15-18 KJV)
Basically, in plain English, we're either one or
the other, and we can't display good actions, knowing deep down we perform evil
ones instead, when we think no one is watching and vice versa. The truth of who
we really are always comes out, no matter how hard we try to conceal
No, we can't judge anybody on things they do,
when it’s evident that we make mistakes, too. Our judgment is not accurate by
what we "think" we "see." Only God and that person know the
whole story. So, before we say someone is desperate for attention, they need
prayer, or they don't have certain "requirements" to be a Christian.
We must, first, reflect what's in our hearts. What's rooting in our spirits
when we're making wrongful statements about people? Is this coming from God's perspective
or our perspective?
Here's God Perspective on a person who feels
unloved and they are seeking attention in the wrong places: My child is
hurting. Something or someone has made him or her react this way. He or she has
experienced turmoil—he or she doesn't know who is really for or against him or
her. I'm going to lift him or her up in prayer.
And this is how one would pray: Father, I ask
You to help deliver ___________(person's name), and shower Your love on him or
her right now. Bless him or her to overcome this struggle of needing
acceptance. Bless him or her to see how valuable he or she is in Your Sight.
Deliver him or her out of the hands of his or her enemies, who are wrongfully
speaking evil against him or her. Show him or her how to effectively
communicate where others are receptive, so You are glorified, and for others to
understand him or her better. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
And here's our tainted perspective on the
situation: Oh, this person is so desperate or hopeless. It doesn't make any
sense what they're doing. They need prayer or help. Something is wrong with
that person. What a loser! I would never act like that.
I have my stuff together. I’m successful and this person is a failure. I have
friends while this person is friendless. This person doesn't have a strong
relationship with God. They have no spiritual insight. They need the Holy
Spirit like I do.
If you're laughing at how I'm stating this, I'm
just showing you, through example, how bad this really sounds and what
judging someone sounds like! I don't know one person who hasn't come
across a judging, cynical and critical hypocrite. I know it's somewhat blunt,
but let's call it for what it is. How is God glorified in the second
perspective? How does it encourage the hurting soul, who is in need of prayer?
You see where I'm going with this? If so, I'm glad. This means you're growing
gracefully in God along with me. We're in this together. My desire is to see
you have a bountiful relationship with God, so no one will deter you from God's
Truth. We must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. "God is a Spirit:
and they that worship must worship him in spirit and in truth." -
(John 4:24 KJV)
Prayer: Father, I feel so
isolated and trapped. I believe no one understands me. Lord, only You know that
I'm doing the best I can with knowing You for myself. But it's hard dealing
with people who don't understand me, even when they think they do. Continue to
create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. I need Your help
through Your Holy Spirit, because it's hard to do on my own. I know now that
it's my salvation is what keeps me redeemed through Jesus, who saved me. I know
I don't have all the answers, but Lord, I'm grateful with the revelations You
show me whenever I pray to You. Father, forgive us, for we know not what we do.
Thank You for caring about me when no one else does. Thank You for setting me
free from my oppressors and haters. Thank You for dealing with them, on how harshly
they're acting toward me and misconstruing who I am. Thank You for saving them,
in advance, and blessing them to get to know Jesus as their personal Savior. In
Jesus' Name, Amen.
If you believe in this prayer, you are redeemed
and set free. Yes, we need deliverance daily, but in order to get deliverance,
we must confess what we have done or how we feel inside on what others have
done to us. And when we keep our hearts right before the Lord, praying
according to God's Spirit and Truth, and not with our fleshly
thoughts, He will hear our prayers. He will forgive us when we hurt others or
ourselves and those who hurt us. Jesus loves you very much and I do, too! Until
next time, be blessed.
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