Sunday, November 18, 2012

Working Out Our Own Salvation Part 1

"Wherefore, my beloved, as ye (you) have obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." - (Philippians 2:12 KJV)
Happy Super Sunday!!!
I'm blessed to be alive and to be loved so much by my Heavenly Father because He genuinely cares for me. I honestly didn't know what to write, but after reading an e-mail from one of my readers, her experience prompted me to write this. It's extremely vital that we must focus on our flaws, instead of pointing out one’s struggles through mean-spirited and snide comments.
I find this scripture to be fitting because I’m astounded how people only want to do certain deeds when others are in their presence. Here’s a question to ask: But what if nobody is in our presence, will we still do what’s right? That's where our actions really count. It defines who we actually are. We tend to fabricate a show of what we "think" people want to see. When the truth is, we're not like our self-made alter egos.
Working out our own salvation becomes our lifestyles, once we totally surrender our lives to Christ.  Working on individual salvation is crucial because when we read God's Word, it keeps our spirits in-check. It assists us to see what we need work in and where we're maturing in our walk with God.
This reader's story touched my heart profoundly, when she mentioned about my post Two Areas in Deliverance really hit home with her about people understanding us and not making us feel bad because we're spiritually lacking. And I knew right there that God wants me to speak what reaches the hearts of many, who are striving to live better on a day-to-day basis.
It's mean-spirited or arrogant, self-righteous folks who give people, like you and me, the ax, because we're being honest of how we feel. And it's completely wrong for the other party to not consider what you and I are saying. I'm only speaking what His Holy Spirit is revealing to me.
Many people "think" they get the meaning of trying to owe God, but here's what they're missing wholeheartedly. Good deeds are fine, but they aren't the official seal, which gets us into Heaven. It's our salvation, which is our ticket to Heaven. He's seeking for those who truly believe in Him.
There are 10 steps in (and of course more, but I’m listing 10 steps for now) receiving salvation. This will be a two-part devotion, there’s so much information God poured in my heart; I have to divide them. I will gladly share these steps from my personal experience of why God is so effective in my life.
Here's the most important step:
Step 1: Humility. Just to be clear, humility is not associated with weakness whatsoever. Humility is submitting our ways to God, setting aside our pride, self-absorbed knowledge, and attitude toward life, and to everyone else. It's a process to break what needs to be broken, so we can become better and not bitter. When we walk in humility, we're coming out of darkness and walking into the light, and it’s in our darkness where God illuminates His light in our lives. Humility gently teaches us that we can't go far in life by being set in our hideous ways, especially when it doesn't glorify God or encourage others who need healing for their souls. It's our motives in our hearts, which makes us altogether lovely or altogether crass.
Step 2: Acknowledging we're sinners. This means we're coming to terms that we're at the end of ourselves. We quickly learn after doing things our way for a while, we keep failing to try God's way, which is the key to constant deliverance from being in bondage.
Step 3: Repenting for our sins. After we repent for our sins, this is where we're submitting our erroneous ways over to Jesus. For it's hard to keep a pure heart and deliver pure actions on our own. It's His Holy Spirit, which leads us into all truth.
Step 4: Surrendering our hearts over to Jesus through believing He's Our Savior and Redeemer. Salvation is the key to redemption. God's unlimited merciful grace is what helps make our salvation stronger in Him by having a relationship with Him and continually confessing what's in our hearts to Him. Once we confess our faults, God really is faithful and just to forgive us for our sins.
Step 5: Believing Jesus has died for our sins, so we aren't perished or condemned, but to be saved by His mercy, grace, and unadulterated love for us. It's our belief is what makes us save. Not religious doctrines, speaking in tongues (Satan can mock speaking in an unknown language to make us think it's from God, when it isn't. As you grow in your walk with God, He will give you His Spiritual Discernment to know what's of Him and what isn't! That's where humbling ourselves come in), and not having haughty "spiritual" knowledge of God. Heavenly spiritual gifts come after we're saved. This is a sure sign we're growing in God.
I know this message ended quickly, but I promise you there’s more in part two. Please come back for this insightful conclusion, for your soul will be blessed. And if not, I pray God will open your heart in understanding Him and knowing Him personally for yourself. I pray the first-half of these steps are gently guiding you into His love, truth, peace, mercy and grace. My earnest desire is to assist those who desperately need a touch from Jesus. Jesus heals, delivers, and sets the captives free. I’m carrying on the legacy He left here to bless those in need.
Prayer: Father, I thank You for showing me Your ways in receiving my salvation so far. I hunger and thirst for Your pure love for me. Save me from myself, so I won’t harshly judge others, when I need to work out things, which aren’t right in me. Continue to create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. I long to have a heart like Yours. Thank You for today's message and bless me to grow gracefully in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
If you believe in this prayer, you’re definitely on your way to learning more about this Wonderful, Loving God I serve. He truly is amazing, if you give Him a chance. He is Worthy to be Praised! Jesus is our Mediator between God and us because He knows what’s it is like to be human and what we're struggling with (smiling). I love you and Jesus loves you, too. Until next time, be blessed.

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