Monday, October 15, 2012

After You Done All You Can: Stand.

"Finally, my brethren (and sisters), be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual host of wickedness in heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." - (Ephesians 6:10-13 KJV)
Happy Marvelous Monday!!!
I can't express enough how blessed we are to have another chance to be alive and live each day to its fullest. As I was contemplating about what to write for this week (not to mention, I'm still revising my e-book), I asked the Lord what would He like for me to speak to His People this week. And it's funny, because I had no clue what to write until He gave me what to discuss on.
During these tough times in recession, we're trying to grasp on something substantial. And it's no surprise that the enemy is busy. The devil is always lurking around, seeking whom he may devour, because his agenda is to make sure that no one is living the potential God has given him or her.
But on to the matter at hand, the Lord wants me to speak to you about doing all you can, and what happens after we have done all we can. And when we're at the end of our rope, what must we do in order to survive the next minute, hour, day, week, or the month, for that matter!!
When life pulls the rug from underneath us, we tend to fall hard, because sometimes life deals us a hideous hand, and we're not sure if we can cope with all we're enduring. It seems like after we overcome one situation, here comes another and another.
But what if society paints a picture to us that we're not doing enough?
What if society says once you mess up, you can't make it up, no matter how hard you try?
What if friends turn their backs on you when you're at your lowest point?
What if your friends or family members misunderstand you, and they don't want to try to understand you?
What if you're on a different lane from everyone else and they think you're crazy for doing something that absolutely makes no sense?
What if you do your best to search for a job and it appears like no one wants to hire you?
What happens when politicians makes their speeches so appealing, to oppose the current President in office, which they "believe" this is what the nation wants to "hear?"
What if people are mad at you for no reason, and they swear with all their might, you're the one who is wrong, when it's actually them?
What happens when our perspective turns sour just because life isn't going as plan?
Well, beloved, I have some answers that will not only assist you to put things into perspective, but to help you recognize if what you're facing is holding you back or helping you move forward. And I want to be clear. I don't have all the answers and I don't know everything, but what I do know is that I love the Lord very much and He's been keeping me this far, and He is blessing me to hang on. The enemy is trying to destroy me, because he doesn't want me to encourage you for a greater hope which comes from God, and God alone.
Whenever things on Earth seems promising, let's remember, it's only temporary. We can enjoy them while they’re here, but possessions don't make us complete. It's what is going inside our hearts is what makes us complete. Having a peace from God, which passes all human understanding, is what carries us through.
In our darkest times, we can rest assure that God is really in control, even when it appears like it's beyond our control. When people act up on you for no reason, rest assured, beloved, this means God is taking you to a new place in your life. And some people you have to leave behind, so you won't miss out what God has for you, even if they don't like what God is doing with you and in you.
I'm learning that God is removing certain people out of my life for a reason, because they're just a hindrance in wanting to keep me discouraged and to make me look bad. I'm learning that God wants to do a new work in me, so He can get the glory out of my life, for I'm being about my Father's business. If I learn to do the small things that He's asking of me, I'm sure there is a greater reward for me by walking in obedience.
Sometimes, God has to send us to an isolated place, so He can do what needs to be done in us, and in our lives, and to let us know He's God. He wants us to be in place, so we can receive all that He has for us.
We can't receive when self is standing in the way. When self is in our way, self tends to cloud rightly judgment. Self tends to boast in limited human powers and makes us believe we're invincible, and we're excluded from trials and tribulations, and everybody around us isn't. Wrongful pride makes us believe that nothing can stop us just because we finally found our "success." Just to be clear. When we reach success, you better believe the higher the level, the bigger the devil. And he will send his accomplices to throw you off-course.
But it's up to us to recognize, with God's true discernment, when the adversary is near. When you face dire predicaments that have no explanation, this means that God's got some explosive blessings for you.
It's important to remember when situations happen; we must take notice of our predicaments. And here are three ways to know when problems arise in our lives: 1. We caused it to happen because we choose to rebel somewhere in our lives. 2. It isn't our fault and it's an enemy attack. 3. God is testing our faith by removing whatever qualities are in us, which doesn't reflect Him, and to bring us in a new level of trust in Him. I know this stings a bit, but even I have to come to terms with this.
Whenever we mess up, God will gently bring it to our attention of what we did wrong. Life happens. We don't intend to get caught up in crazy situations, but sometimes when we're vulnerable we fall in traps, which we think will give us a temporary fix to our problems. And when we realize what we have done, God gives us time to regroup ourselves by learning from our situations, and taking the good and leaving the bad behind. And how do we leave the bad behind? By growing from our mistakes and vowing to become a better person, even though we're not perfect. As long as we're living, we will continually make mistakes because we're human. And as long as we're learning from our mistakes and making the wrong right, we will become better and not bitter.
An enemy attack is when Satan gets upset while we're on our way to victory. He sends us detours, whether they are people or circumstances, which is beyond our control. The enemy's mission is to abort your purpose. When you're on Christ's side, you can believe, you will be tried on every side, but God will deliver you out of every affliction you encounter, my friend. And you want to know why? What you're facing is only temporary. Another way to discover an enemy attack is when you're in a different place in your life, and you don't view things the same anymore, and God is maturing you through faith, so you can receive His bountiful blessings. He wants to bless you above all you can ask or think, not just physically, but spiritually as well.
And finally, when God is testing our faith. Sometimes, we will have situations where it causes us to go into isolation, because these fiery trials are designed to refine us, renew us, revive us, and bless us. So, when we come out of our circumstances, we come out as pure gold. When gold is melted in the fire, the gold's beauty becomes pure, because all the rust disappears, and this is when gold appeals the eyes because it is birth into something new.
And this is what God is doing in us, to birth something new in us. He strips away whatever is hindering our walk and relationship with Him. If there are people who aren't sent by God to throw us off-track, God will remove them by hardening their hearts toward you because they don't have the same mind as you. God desires us to be with like-minded people, who doesn't only want to succeed, but for us to succeed as well. When a person is all about them, they don't care about your well-being—at all. Beloved, I'm speaking from personal experience: you don't need them!
All they will do is exalt self and kick you down while you're going through. That's definitely not a friend. God wants better for you and I do, too. This is why I'm sharing with you what God shared with me. God doesn't want you to have the same old pals in your corner, because their motives aren't always sincere. And you can believe God will expose them for who they really are, in ways you can't begin to fathom.
If evil whisperers are separating people whom you were once tight with, this tells you right there that the people, your friends are hanging with, is jealous because they see God in you, and they don’t want your friends to draw closer to God, but far away from Him. They try to damper your shine and they deceive themselves thinking they’re walking in the light. And that's how Satan operates, he comes as an angel of light, using God's Word out of context, to get you to think these people are for you, when they're actually against you. And if you're questioning on what I'm saying to you, I encourage you to pray about it. When God wants you to know about something that's hiding in the dark, He will bring mystery to the light in the biggest way. And it's up to us by asking God to prepare our hearts for the truth, when we ask Him about situations or people we're not certain of.
While we're in our pits, God will show us things about ourselves, which we are or aren't aware of. And this is where devoting our time to pray come in. With His Holy Spirit, and His Holy Spirit alone, we can become better human beings, the way God intends us to be. We will be walking in love and harmony, treating each other fairly, and helping one another, and most of all, not judging or looking down on each other, but encouraging our brothers and sisters (yes, the human race, not races).
And the other part of testing our faith, God wants us to believe in Him, and most importantly to believe Him. When walking in faith, we can't go by what we see. Of course, we can't deny what's in front of us. That's not what I'm saying at all, because in order to be set free, we must confess and confront what the issue really is. Deliverance is effective when we're being real, and being real means being honestnot giving people a piece of our minds. It's important we know the difference between the two.
He wants to come to Him with everything, which concerns us, and He wants to show Himself strong in our lives for the merciful, loving God He is. Make no mistake, God is forgiving, loving, and graceful, but He is also a fair and a righteous God. God loathes evil-doing: period. And you want to know why? He loathes evil acts because it hurts us and we receive agony, not peace when evil manifests itself in our lives. He also desires for us to gain a new outlook in life, so we can be ready for what God plans for us to do while we're here on Earth. He wants us to find purpose in everything we do. He wants us to learn and grow, and to constantly accept change for the better in our lives because life is all about change. Nothing stays the same.
When we're at our lowest point, the Lord will sing us a new song in our strange land.
When we give it our best shot to seek new opportunities and we failed, the Lord will make a way out of no way when we least expect it.
When friends aren't the same anymore and they always look at you like you're the enemy, God is a friend who will love you unconditionally and be there for you regardless of your circumstances.
When everything else fails, and you've done all you can, this is where you must stand and look to Heaven, and know that God has already worked out your situation for your good. His Word is filled with real promises and encouragement, which will sustain you and bless you. His Word is not a quick fix, but it's a healing balm to your wounded soul.
And His Word is never out of season. When you stumble upon a scripture that speaks exactly how you feel (book of Psalms, for instance), God will bring you a revelation that will not only deliver encouragement, but real hope that God is always on your side. And I can agree with King David, I haven't seen the righteous forsaken, nor will we beg for bread. God hasn't forgotten about you.
Prayer: Father, I come to You with a broken heart and an uncertain future. I honestly don't know what tomorrow brings or who will betray me. But, Lord, I'm leaning on You to come through for me, even though it seems like my situation is hopeless. Lord, I'm doing all I know how to make it, but I'm humbling myself and I'm admitting that I'm at the end of myself. Show Yourself strong in my life, and move by Your Spirit, Lord. I need a breakthrough, which comes from You and You alone. I give thanks to You, for bringing me this far and You're keeping me. Thank You for everything You've done in my life. I believe by faith you will bring me out of my situation. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
If you believe in this prayer, that God will come to your rescue. Just have faith and know He won't let you fall, for your life is in His hands. May He bless you with miracles and supply all your needs according to His Riches in Glory through Jesus Christ. Know that Jesus loves you and I do, too. Until next time, be blessed.

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