Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Travesty, I Tell You ...

While I'm taking a break from editing and revising my ebook, I've been reading posts that really pricked my heart. I agree with most of you about the indie publishing and the point of why indie is here for us. If the six major pubs are so great, why are authors or aspiring authors (like you and me) are going for indie?

I'll give you some lovely insights WHY going INDIE is good:

1. Creative control = liberty!

The problem with major publishing companies is, these companies ASSUME they know what the public wants. Granted, writing well and writing from the heart goes hand in hand. However, if we really think about this, I mean really think about this, what major companies are saying, "Our job is to lure you readers in, so we can make a profit off you because we give you what you 'want.' And we know you'll keep coming back for more because we know the majority of you will be sucked into what we suggest to you is a top quality read." In actuality, this is mind control. And telling the public we don't have minds of our own? Sounds pretty suspicious to me.

2. Freedom of Choice.

Thank heavens, we're not ROBOTS!!!! This is a relief that there is more than one option out here for writers and readers alike! Most of the negative reviewers aren’t giving new authors a chance. You can't BASE the writer's credibility off one BOOK. If there is more than one work published out there and an avid reader is following the writer, those are the reviewers you want, because he or she will be honest and he or she sees potential in you, and he or she appreciates you. If a writer definitely has potential to keep you wanting more, please don't discredit him or her because of one book you particularly didn't care for. It's just your opinion. The sad part about cyberspace, everything “appears” to be written in STONE!!! SMH (shaking my head).

3. The Internet is what we make it!

Thank GOD for digital age! There's always room for everybody! You can always reinvent yourself in the creative field (whatever it may be). As much as some people don't want to admit this, but technology shall continually increase beyond we can imagine or think. It's up to us to get with the game. There is nothing cute about being left behind--at all! If you don't know, ask or read. Educating yourself is important, no matter the walks in life, if we can read it; we can definitely LEARN IT and ACE IT!

4. Preferences

Hey, we all have them. It doesn't mean one is right or wrong. It's all how you perceive it. If seeing is believing, then I can't believe everything I see. I'm the type of person who loves to form an opinion for myself. I'm never afraid to try something new. Nonetheless, I will not be dogmatic if I don't particularly care for an item. As the old saying goes, most old school folks say, my parents were born in the '50s, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all."

This is very true. What we say does affect the other source and it depends on his or her genetics concerning personality. We all don't take things the same. It's very crucial to have a seasoned word. For those of you who don't know what I mean, a seasoned word is a word or message that suits perfectly according to the person of what he or she is facing in his or her life. Does the message benefit the person or discourage him or her? This is something definitely worth thinking about.

For example, I read one author's book (fiction romance, if you want to call it that) and it was one of those reads that made me furious. Why? You ask. One, the perception where the writer was coming from was narrow-minded and condescending. He believed if a black woman can't date a black man, she should become FAT, ALONE, and MISERABLE!!!! WTHUH???? It’s okay for a black man to date outside his race, but not a black woman? There is no logic in that whatsoever. Two, even though the writer has potential, I believe he should've reconsidered his content before having it published at a major publishing company. This verifies most of you who were saying about major publishing companies do sell crap even though it's edited. It's all about a matter of content, my lovely folks! Three, content is everything. Having substance in your work MAKES the difference. It doesn't matter what genre you write, as long as you have PASSION. A passion that flows so deeply within you, you know you are working your best to give readers what they want: an excellent read that reaches his or her soul! You're doing your job when you love what you do and you give the readers an exciting adventure through your craft. Basically, you're inviting them in to your world.

5. Sharing Your World

This is what we want to do. We want readers to take a minute from their usual realities and soak themselves in our writing world. Why? We're offering new insights in their lives by making them feel complete. Not everyone can be satisfied, but you're giving your readers something to remember you by. Most likely, the same ones who are supporting you will stay faithful to your work because they see your work is worth investing with their busy schedule. They don't mind taking a break when you, the writer, are giving them a great relief from their daily routine. Whether you realize this or not, you're touching your readers' lives in ways you can't possibly imagine. And this is a very good thing.

So, don't let anti-idie readers scare you! You’re destined to write. Whatever you need to get off your chest: say it! Writing is second nature to us. You know what you have to offer and you know why you are writing. Don't be discouraged nor be dismayed. Hang in there, my fellow authors. You have so much to offer and there is a world out there ready to read your craft.

Just my two cents ... I hope this shed some insight in your life. If so, I'm glad this message resonated well with you.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Having Many Friends Comes to Ruin

Happy FUN Friday again!

Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all times, and a brother (sister) is born for adversity.

Proverbs 18:24 A man (woman) of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

I pray this brings encouragement to your soul. Lord knows I still need it.

The Lord brought this on my spirit again and it was confirmed through my sister and a devotion I read today. So, I guess it's time for me to speak what He prepared in my heart to say to you and may you be blessed with this message. Bittersweet moments come to mind with my experiences and I know if anyone is reading this, he or she will most likely agree with me. There's nothing wrong with being friendly, however, keeping too many friends can actually be a ruin to your soul!

You're probably wondering why I'm stating this. Well, with good reason. Plenty of people misconstrue the word friend with acquaintance. There's a distinctive difference. Just because you know of the person, doesn't mean there's a personal connection between you and the other individual.

Why? You ask.

Well, anyone who relates to what I'm saying; gets where I'm coming from. I'm friendly but I don't have many friends. I only have a limited number in friends because through my experiences, people I've known along the way betrayed me in the worst way. And I'm sitting still through my quiet storms in my life with God to know what a real friend is all about. And yes, Jesus is my personal Savior. He definitely taught me what a friend really is.

A real friend is someone who will be there for you--regardless, no matter the time, distance, or situations that goes on with him or her.

A real friend will make an apology when he or she realized he or she caused error in the other person's life and is humble enough to say, "I'm truly sorry. I made a mistake. I hope you find it my heart to forgive me." And he or she means it through proving in his or her actions.

A real friend listens and offers grace through understanding that is sufficient in your time of need.

A real friend loves you no matter what: if you lose your job, become rich and famous, gain weight, lose weight, having troubles to trust again and the list goes on and on.

When a man or woman declares of having plenty of friends. There's chaos and confusion. He or she becomes so divided; he or she is not certain who he or she is anymore. This type of person overbooks himself or herself to various occasions and not knowing when to slow down, and take a minute to breathe and gather his or her thoughts for personal time. Because this person believes the more friends he or she have; then he or she is better off than the one who doesn’t have many friends.

And anyone can relate to what I'm saying, knows this is farther from the truth! Having too many friends open the gates for betrayal, gossip, slander, melancholy, and then the last boomerang that hits every one of us hard to the core: loneliness.

When you have various folks coming at you, it's hard to tell what their motives are. But this is where Godly discernment kicks in. God will prompt it in your heart to know when something isn't right. While you're befriending that person, you can't put your foot on it, but you know something isn't legit.

For example, I will use my experience. 2011, I was working at a job after picking up the pieces from leaving my other job that wanted me to work in a place that isn't safe. I was working on the first Floor and then was moved to the sixth floor. This worker gave me her number and wanted to be my friend. I took the number, but I was hesitant. I didn't understand why. And believe me when I say this, now looking back at my situation, it was for a very valid reason!

I'm experienced in working at a coffee shop. It comes to me naturally. “Mandy” watched me operating the floor by myself. I was running the register, handling the pastries, and making drinks for customers. And she didn't think I was watching her, using my peripheral vision. The Lord showed me how much she despised me! Most of the other workers were blind to the situation. Certainly not me. My uncle (on my father's maternal side) said to me before I came to New York, "Chimere, watch what people say and watch what they do. And you'll know whether or not if they're full of it." I changed his words because he said something more vulgar (laughing).

I processed what he said to me and it still bears witness to me this day. Back to my story, one day in late October. She saw a dude (coworker) and me conversing. She made it her business to say something derogatory to me on a Saturday afternoon. She said, "So, you and 'Alan,' huh?" I won’t repeat the rest—her statement was out of line. She figured to make an obscene joke about him and me. It was not funny.

Her joke was extremely offensive. Anyone in his or her right frame of mind knows you don't use certain terms loosely! My first concern was, what if parents and children hear her say that??? I would lose my job and they would file a complaint against the company. It's clear that "Mandy" wanted to sabotage me! I laugh and joke, too, but not at the expense of others! It's cruel to make asinine jokes about people. Period.

I made amends with her and Lord knows I've done all I could to keep peace, but the problem was rooting in her. For seven to eight months, I tried getting along with her; she was the one who kept gossiping about me. I loathe gossiping because people tend to twist your words to make you look evil, when that is not what you mean at all!

Some workers were making false claims that I was gossiping about her, when the truth was, I was venting because I needed someone to listen to me. But no one was getting it. They refused to see the truth that was standing in their faces and they went deaf by not actually listening to my faintest cry. But I'm so glad the Lord heard my cry. And when the Lord told me this, I knew there was truth in what He said to me about my situation. When I paid attention how they're reactions were to me, that told me all I needed to know. So "Mandy" decided to take matters into her own hands after I reported her for making fun of giving me a barista certification when it's supposed to be the Store Manager and the Barista's signatures there, but it was hers. Basically, she used forgery!

She wanted to play God by illegally recording me to get me fired. And I've never been fired in a day of my life. At that time in my life, I was going through a lot. I had my personal belongings stolen from me by someone I know. It wasn’t random either! (And yes, The Lord brought it to the light like I knew He would. God is so awesome like that!) An illness hit one of my loved ones hard in late 2010 and then the final bomb "Mandy" set me up to get fired. No, I didn't sue because I was flat broke and I had limited transportation. Looking in a spiritual angle, "Mandy" took advantage because I was going through a lot, and she knew  I was trying to keep my life together without falling apart. And all because she changed her mind of not wanting to be a supervisor, to become a supervisor again, when she heard I made a suggestion that I want to move up in the company.  I laugh now because her wish didn't come true. All with her getting me in trouble was in vain!

The saying may sound cliché, but it's true. God really don't like ugly!

My point is if I had befriended her, my life would be in complete turmoil because she doesn't care about anyone but herself. I pity her because she doesn't get that life doesn't operate her way. We have too many people who want to do a good thing, but don't want to do what is right. Good and right are two different scenarios.

And she is a prime example of what a friend isn't. Just because there are many people in your circle, doesn't mean they are for you. Just because they smile in your face, doesn't mean they really like you. They most likely hate your guts and plan for you to fall! They're probably getting next to you because of what you have or what you can give, and then don't care to be there for you like you are there for them.

Believe me. I’ve been a victim of it countless times! It's a hurting feeling when you give your all and the same isn't returned to you. It's a tragedy when people you desire to befriend talk trash about you and then expect you to be there for them.

A friend doesn’t do those things!

Notice in both scriptures the term friend is singular--not plural! Everybody who enters your life is not your friend. Take heed, precious heart. If there's been a nagging inkling in your heart about certain people in your life, May God show you the truth and set you free from them, so you won't be entangled with a snare for your fall!

God will give you friends after His own Heart. Please know I'm not referring to perfection because no one is perfect. Nonetheless, there is a fine line between flaws and deliberate treachery.

I long for friends to love me for me, the way I love them for them! I know most of you wish for this, too.

As of for now, God wants me to walk alone, so He can use me for His Glory to send you heartwarming messages like these to keep you encourage and aware of what's out here in the world. So many people want to keep situations in secrecy and have the world remain the same.

Change must start somewhere. And it begins with me. I rather be a friend than to have friends who aren't reliable. At least, I can be accountable for myself and keep my word and if I don't keep my promise, it's never intentional, but sometimes things really do happen. When I love, I love hard and I don't half step. I love a friend like I love my sisters and they're my buddies forever and always.

You want a friend who is your confidant. Someone who totally gets you and don't even question your moods because they know who you are. For instance, when I went to a friend of mine's birthday party this past February. While I was sitting there silent, he sensed something was bothering me. And he was correct. I didn't want to talk about it because it was his birthday and I didn't want to ruin his B-Day. For it was a joyous occasion, in spite of me coming down with a brutal cold that night!

Now  that is the kind of friend you want who is in tune with you. And my heart goes out especially to the celebrities, for it must be tough for them to deal with all kinds of people heading their way. Their lives are always in the limelight and I believe with my whole heart. They are people just like you and me, except they have more prestige, but don't get it twisted! They have needs just like we do and they have struggles, too. They long for someone to love them unconditionally and who wouldn't want that! I know I do.

Till next time, my friends. Keep the faith and always press towards to what you want to achieve in life and never compromise who you are for others to like you and accept you. God will always bless you with real folks who are after His Own Heart to love you the way He does. I want to add, yes, God sends us people, but no one can love you the way He does.

His love is so awesome and so magnificent. What a Mighty God He is. There is none like Him. People come and go, so will jobs and homes, too. One thing is constant: God. God changes not and He will always be there for you when no one else is! I love you with the love of Christ and be blessed!

The Real You

Happy Fun Friday!

I’m here to talk about the lighter side of things just to get you ready for the weekend. Thursday nights are my TV nights I love tuning in to Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal, and now Tuesdays because of Private Practice. I admire creator/writer Shonda Rhimes because she always keeps a fresh perspective on life and it's usually on point because she understands and know how people, in this world, are. She touched a topic with April Kepner on Grey's Anatomy that rings true in my heart because it’s hard for most real Christians (I’m not talking about religious folks, there’s a difference between spiritual and religious) to get by in the world. I can personally attest to this because I rarely mention my personal beliefs especially in the workforce.


I know how most people are. Usually they’re close-minded. It’s sad, but true. And I’m going to further elaborate. Most who doesn’t have understanding tends to put Christians in categories and wrongful assumptions because too many hypocrites who are “professing” to live the “life” with their mouths and not with their hearts. And it gives us true Christians a bad name. There’s a point I’m making here, so bear with me. This applies to all aspects of life; who are facing this and you don’t necessarily have to be a Christian to be misunderstood when you’re not living what society calls “normal.”

I’ll give you a few examples of stereotypes that are made against Christians. Note: I loathe stereotypes; I do my best to stay away from them. I know that most generalizations and stereotypes are lies!

Examples: We’re called crazy. Holy rollers. Harsh. Judgmental. Weird. We wear ugly clothing and have no style. We don’t understand “life.” Isolated. Unfriendly. Cruel. And all of these stereotypes I named off the top of my head are just what some people perceive as “true.” And I sincerely say this: NONE OF THIS IS TRUE!!!!

We’re not that way at all. Real Christians understand and know everyone falls and mess up. But it’s how you get back up after you fall. We know full well what God’s mercy and grace is all about. He forgives us after we admit our faults and turn it over to Him, and we are easily forgiven and our slate is wiped clean, not by people, but by Him because He has the final say. Real Christians listen to people, the scribes and Pharisees in our day, who are called as “outcasts!” We’re inviting and we’re highly aware we make mistakes, but we do our best to correct the mistakes we make if we hurt someone that costs something important to him or her. And when the person we offend forgives us and still wants to be our friend, that’s where honest redemption kicks in.

Yes, I’m all for being real, for being real is the only way to be in this thing we call life.

I have a problem when we, as people, are told by society, who possesses limited perspectives, by the way, to be what is seen as the “right” and “only” way. We have different people everywhere we go. When we judge based on what we see on the outside, we must ask ourselves, are we rushing to false conclusion too quickly?

You bet. If you’re not pretty enough, rich enough, thin enough, or not qualified (and the list goes on and on) in this hasty 21st Century we live in, we’re considered outcasts. The un-cool. Dorks. Need I say more?

As I mentioned in my last post, it doesn’t matter if you believe in God or not. I meant what I said. Never please others to seek their approval when it will only cost you heartache in the end.

I never understand why society wants us to live in such a plastic world that breaks every individual inwardly? We must ask ourselves this: why is it so much easier to pretend to be someone we’re not versus to be who we really are?

One, we want acceptance. I don’t know one person who doesn’t want to be accepted.

Two, we want to be loved unconditionally. Sad to say, not everyone loves without limitations. If we’re honest, we creatures have limits. The Only One who doesn’t have any limits is God and God alone. His love is there forever and when everyone else walks away, you best believe He is always here for you even when you feel you’re alone.

Three, keeping up with temporary fads makes us important outwardly but not in our hearts. That’s where voids step in.

We have emptiness and we're longing to be loved and accepted, and wanting to be free from biased opinions and prejudices.  It’s rare to find real people these days because it seems like in the role of society: every one has a “price.”

This is further from the truth. Some things aren’t worth selling your soul to. If you want something so desperately just to seek approval, you best believe the deal you made with the other person will come back to haunt you later.

A real person will not have any hang ups about you, he or she will accept everything about you and not changing anything that makes you who you are.  I’m not talking about changing someone to be the ideal candidate; for none of us can make a person we want him or her to be.

When a person tends to bring out the worst in you. It’s time to question why he or she shouldn’t be in your life. If he or she always tries to make you look bad by poking fun of who you are, this tells you the issues are lying deep within him or her—not you. If you’re doing all you can to make it work and the result is the same, then it’s definitely the other party. A person who refuses to acknowledge when he or she is at fault, then he or she is filled with pride, arrogance, and self-righteousness like he or she)can’t do anything wrong, but he or she is always “right” and always “perfect.” No one is perfect. Period.

I’ve experienced this with people who I’m extremely glad they’re not in my life anymore. This type tends to never consider what you’re saying to them and they’re narcissistic. And that’s a sad way to be. If you can’t consider what the other person is saying to you, then you need to self-examine your heart. Not misjudging the other person.

It’s the matters of the heart that counts. Not how much money you have in the bank or the cars you drive or the house you live in. You can have all those things and still be a hot mess inside. Don’t be fooled by what you see on the outside, there’s something much deeper that is going on inside! People don’t behave out of the norm for no reason. Someone conditioned them to be that way and most people feel that is the way to adapt to life.

I’m telling you because I love you enough to tell you the truth. No, life doesn’t have to be this way. It’s all you how you make it. Perception is the ultimate key to life. When we put things into perspective, life makes more sense.

My message for you today: if there are people in your life putting pressure on you, trying to groom you into someone you’re not. Don’t fall in the pressure--for you are not a mistake! Live, learn, and grow. When we stop living: we stop growing and learning as people.

If you find yourself alone, don’t worry; in time you will have friends who will love you the way you are. You will never have to hide who you are destined to be. Let your true self shine brightly and if the others aren't impressed, then they're certainly not meant to be in your life. For there will be someone else who totally gets you.

Accept and you will be accepted. It takes some time. But, eventually, you’ll get there. Enjoy your day and always be the real you.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Too Much Room for Hate

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." 1 Cor 13:4-8
Hate is a spiritual problem. There are many forms of hate. Many of us swear we know what love is, but don't practice it. It's time for a spiritual check up, indeed. I've learned a long the way that hating doesn't solve anything, but makes you stunted as an individual. When you have people who play favorites with the ones they exalt, it leads to self-absorption and clouds perception of what isn't there. What most fail to realize is the hate we spread on another affects him or her greatly. I was watching the news last night and the new reporters were talking about body language and how it speaks volumes versus what we're saying and we all need to take note. I agree because what a person is not saying with their words are screaming it through their actions. I love to observe because it tells me all I need to know as I circumspect carefully.
I'm not the one who carelessly hurt others just to make myself feel better. In my humble opinion, it's wrong to hurt others just because we're dealing with situations, too. If you're hating on someone who makes more money than you, who possesses beauty, who is gay, who is struggling with certain areas in their lives or who doesn't look or act they the way you think they should, and last not but least, picking, bullying, and harrassing someone who can't help the way he or she is. There's a deeper issue going on inside.
You see, I've come across people in my own path who mistreated me cruelly all because I'm a Christian. These people think they're being helpful when really they're not. Before I gave my life to Christ, I was hated then, but not as much ever since I came to the Lord's side. No one understands persecution until they gone through it. I've been ripped to shreds all because of HATE.
I'm not ashamed to admit that I have low tolerance for those who think they're better than me and then try to put themselves on a self-inflated pedestal like nothing can't hurt them. Before you point the finger at me, check your heart and take a good look in the mirror, and tell me can you honestly say do you like what you see? If you answer yes, then step back and ask yourself, "Am I being honest with myself? How does this person feel when I come around him or her?"
I don't believe in judging others, on the other hand, I do believe in this, if a person is continually displaying an action that isn't pleasant to God and to others. Then it's time to circumspect what's really going on. I come to understand that people act the way they do because of influence. Who they surround themselves with? The aura you give off either spreads like cancer or a lovely aroma that awakens the senses.
I have no shame to admit that I’m flawed and I make mistakes and I’m human! I’m learning those who are real appreciate honesty from the real Christians who aren’t ashamed to use their mistakes to bless someone else. Turn your curse into a blessing and you’ll be surprised where it takes you. I will make no apologies for being real. I’m against anti-bullying and harassing: mean teasing, name-calling, and false labels are cruel and abominable. When you tease someone, basically, you’re saying God made a mistake on him or her. And this is farther from the truth.
Anyone who truly knows me and love me will tell you this. I’m very loving and accepting and I treat everyone the same. Why? Because I don’t want anyone to treat me this way, even though others tend to do this to me anyway.
We, as people, need to realize hate is horrendous and causes more damage than good. Hate doesn’t edify or glorify God. This is why He sent His Only and One Son to give us a new heart and a new spirit that exemplifies Him. When you come to Christ you are no longer the same and He shows you mercy and grace that comes from Him and Him alone. I’m so glad I have a mediator in Him, an advocate in whom I trust. As Jesus sits on the right hand throne of God, I’m blessed to know He hears all my prayers and makes my petitions known to God. I will not stop giving this message to those who need to listen to it. I will not stop carrying my cross because others poke fun at me and think they’re better than me, when the reality is they’re struggling too! And don’t let them fool you otherwise! They have issues or troubles that they don’t want others to see.
I’m talking real talk. Those who live in a lie usually end up eating their lies and it blows up in their faces as time passes on. I pray this bless someone as they’re reading this because you need to know God’s love IS NOT like worldly love, which is flawed and causes grief to the soul.
God’s love gives you a chance when others toss you away and given up on you completely.
God’s love is faithful when it seems like you’re forsaken and abandoned. He’ll never leave you nor forsake you. Thank you, Jesus. He always works it out for your good! I know what I’m talking about because God delivered me time and time again. So, to those who brushed me off and wrongfully dismissed me, I’m praying for you and I have complete faith God has taken care of it because He sees me for who I really am because I’m justified; not condemned.
If I make mistakes, I learn from them. If someone has something good going in his or her life, I simply congratulate him or her because I have the true love of God in my heart to actually be happy for him or her. It’s no secret I have haters. I fully know who they are. They pretend they are for me when, in reality, they are against me and they have no intention of making the wrong right, or to be happy for me. I know who is really in my corner and those are the people I’m sticking with.
We live in a world where we’re out for self and it’s deeply sad because when you turn on the news what do you see? Tragedy. I shake my head because Jesus’ prophecy came true when He said, “the love of many shall wax cold.”  See Matthew 24.  Be careful when false prophets speaks of the end of world for no one TRULY knows the end. Why? We’re not God. I’m grateful to be given a chance to live on Earth to do what I need to do.
I never forgot when I was shopping for birthday gifts for my sisters. I was encouraging this woman at the cash register and it seemed like she was having a bad day. I told her, "As long as you’re alive. It’s good day. Live each day to the fullest because no one really knows what it’s like in the afterworld." And here’s the tripped out part. This older woman, old enough to be my mother, made a snippy statement about Heaven and Hell. She had the nerve to talk about judgment when that wasn’t my intention to encourage the woman.
I wasn’t denying the older woman’s statement, but she has A LOT of NERVE to speak for God. She made the situation unpleasant and caused other older women to start griping and complaining. That shows you the animosity rooting in her heart. Was God glorified in what she said? No! If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. If it’s not edifying to someone who needs encouragement, why speak it in the first place? That’s all I’m saying. You don’t have to agree with me, but I realize one thing in my walk with God, God is not pleased with arguing, jealousy, envy and strife. These spirits strikes grief to one’s soul.
After I handled my business, I went back to the woman to apologize and to let her know it was not my intention to cause grief. She looked at me and said, “I know, sweetie. I know that was not your intention.”
She doesn’t know much about me, but by the words of life I've spoken to her soul gave her life and hope! And it was all God; not me. She knows I’m bearing food fruit. You don’t see apples coming from an orange tree and vice versa. If it taste like an apple, it is an apple.
But here is my point, if someone is having a bad day don’t make an automatic assumption that’s who he or she is. I, for one, am familiar with this. People choose to misunderstand me with false assumptions and not really looking deeper into my situation. That’s where the scripture Matthew 7:1-6: "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. "Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces."
When you wrongfully judge and have no insight at all, you’re setting yourself up for disaster, least expected, when you mess up. So be careful, because if your dirt finds you out, not many will be merciful unto you when your lowest point arrives, all because you didn’t show, the person you misjudged, no mercy.
And even if you do have some insight, pray on it, only God knows the whole story and He’ll give one or two souls a word of season to speak accurately in that person’s life. Using words tactfully is everything! Love is so much bearable than hate. Love always possesses room and keeps the door open even if that person turned on you.  So when the time has come, God always come through and do a work in you to show to the other person that yes, there is redemption. If I stepped on some toes, that is not my intention, but this is what the Lord put in my spirit. As long as you’re living, you can never stop learning, growing, and adjusting to life, this will help you become a better you.
I’m learning to be careful. "What goes around comes around." My former high school teacher taught me this, when I was sitting in my senior class. I listened to what she was saying and there’s a lot of truth in this statement and it’s profound. Be careful of how you mistreat a person, you miss out on your blessing that way, or even if you do get your blessing it is SHORT-LIVED. I’ve witnessed this too many times and it’s not a pretty picture.
If you hurt someone, sincerely apologize to him or her. As I was watching one of the shows on CBS, the man said to the ex-CIA hitman, “An apology goes a long way.”
And it does. I want to be clear, I’m not talking about apologizing for who you are or compromising who you are to make others like you, for you should never stoop to any level so someone can accept you. That’s false acceptance and he or she can turn on you in the future.
What I’m talking about is your moral compass. If you don’t feel bad for hurting someone and act like everything will go your way, keep living. You’ll soon find out your actions does affect others and most of all: you!
I pray your heart is encouraged and never shut what you believe in your heart will come true. It may not be today and it may not be tomorrow, but know  your time to shine will come and it will bless you wholeheartedly!