Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Little Things

"Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." - (1 Peter 5:7 KJV)
Happy Terrific Tuesday!!!
Ah, the little things. Yes, I named this post correctly because the little things can be overlooked or they can be blown out of proportion. You're probably wondering why I'm discussing this. And you can believe there's a reason behind this post. Last week, I encountered a situation at the grocery store while shopping for daily items I need to survive for the week. I was extremely exhausted and I was having a bad day, a really bad day.
I know everyone can relate to this: who doesn't have a bad day?
After contemplating over my issues, I decided to put them behind me once I headed out my apartment and I went about my business to run errands. I walked to the grocery store, picking up a couple of items, so I can hurry up and return to my home because I wanted to rest.  I was listening to spiritual music to lift up my soul and it was helping me to think positive in spite of how I was feeling that particular day.
I strolled to register 11 and I stopped to wait in line. At first, I thought I was hallucinating when the cashier was explaining to the older man about having too many items. The line was 12 items or less. The man's walk wasn't usual; he had a problem with his legs. He pushed the large cart where a few customers and I were still standing in. I felt sorry for him. She didn't have to make him leave. So, I tried my best to brush it off and continued listening to my favorite songs. By the time it was my turn, the Lord allowed me to discern the cashier's spirit. On the surface, it seemed like she was having a bad day, but after analyzing the situation, I saw that she has a bad attitude.
There were three women behind me, an older woman who was in front of me, and another older woman who was facing me while she was packing her objects in the shopping bags. The cashier asked me curtly, "How many items do you have?"
And right there, I didn't appreciate her condescending tone. The woman before me watched me, and she wanted to see if I was going to make a scene. I didn't. I remained quiet because I wanted to go home. I humored the cashier with counting the items, but it happened so fast, I didn't really sum up the total until after I left the store, the line was getting longer and I didn't want the customers to grow impatient.
I sensed I was slightly over the limit in items. I looked underneath the cashier's station to find a basket, but none were available, one of the workers had already picked up the baskets. The third woman, in line, saw that I was looking for a basket and she walked over to the next lane to pick one up. By the time I tried to grab it—it was too late. The cashier was already ringing up my things while shaking her head. That's when I felt my anger rising and I knew the Lord was helping me to stay calm despite of being tempted to say something. I'm learning to never act like a fool with a fool. I'm sorry if I’m sounding blunt, but if you can relate to this, you know exactly what I mean.
And here's when my anger rose to another level, her response was asinine and condescending, "Next time have twelve items or less." I ignored her comment and handed her my money. After she gave me my change, she had the audacity to not place my food in the shopping bags! Nonetheless, I quickly watched her placing the next customer's three items in the bag.
So, I walked down to the end of the booth where the other shopping bags were located and I bagged them myself. The older woman, about my mother's age, who was standing beside me, marched over to see what the cashier was doing. She made a face and shook her head, and she started laughing when I caught her response because I was also laughing. We recognized what was wrong with the scenario, and I'm pretty sure the other women noticed it, too.
The cashier finally picked up what we were laughing about, and now all-of-a-sudden she wants to help me. She angrily questioned me. "You got it?"
I was so furious I couldn't respond. I took the items from her hand because I was already finished with packing my things. I shook my head and walked away. I caught up with the woman and we started talking. I immediately asked her, "Did you see that?"
She was laughing in disbelief, shaking her again. "Yes, I did. I can't believe she was making a big deal about your items. It's not like you had a lot of things. It's just stuff."
Bingo. It's just stuff. They don't live and breathe like we do. We are the ones who matter, and don't me wrong, it's nice to have things , but material things really don't matter. It can't save you from death, illnesses, untimely accidents, or losing your job or home.
After the woman and I laughed, we said our goodbyes and tended to our own affairs. While I was walking home, I was hurt emotionally because I didn’t like the cashier's approach in the situation, and I definitely didn’t appreciate how she was trying to make an example out of me, about going over the recommended number for the express lane.
It's not a good feeling when people try to make you look bad, and they believe with all their might they’re in the right because of “technicality,” when their attitudes display how they handled the situation poorly. It's important to remember that how we set up the atmosphere with our presence does affect those around us.
And in that moment, before I left the store, I wanted to turn around with the bags in my hand to report her. But the Lord stopped me and He wanted me to have a time-out and recollect my thoughts before going to the manager about the cashier.
When I arrived at my apartment, I landed the bags on the counter and I recounted the items. Boy, you would have been laughing if you saw the look on my face. I couldn't believe the nerve of that woman. Can you believe I was only five items over??? Oh, the little things.
I prayed to the Lord to help calm me down because I could literally feel I was going to burst into tears. (I was really having a bad day!)
I returned to the store and asked for the manager. Once the manager approached me, I explained the situation to him, and I stated that even the other customers noticed the cashier was wrong for what she did to me. And he agreed with me how some people allow the smallest things tip them over-the-edge.
And that's when I told him how I had an atrocious year. He gave his deepest apologies and I told him I wouldn't wish it on anyone, for what happened to me. He explained to me that he would pull her to the side and talk to her about what happened.
After I had left the store, I felt better for releasing my feelings about what occurred earlier that day. At this point, I don't know if the manager talked to the cashier or not. But what I do know is, that whenever our days start spinning out-of-control, our perspectives get bent out-of-shape because everything is not going our way.
It's the little things that make us lose perspective on what's really important. How we adjust our attitudes on small situations can determine how we handle the big predicaments that head our way.
Here's what putting things in perspective is like:
Does losing a dollar seem detrimental as losing your life in a freak-accident?
When red wine is staining your white carpet, does it seem detrimental as finding out you only have six months to live because of cancer?
Does having issues with a co-worker seem detrimental as discovering your loved one won't recover from an illness that isn't curable because it isn't seen?
Does going over five items at the 12-item express lane seem detrimental as not finding a job in this tough economy?
If you answered "no" to all these questions, you're correct. And you want to know why? There are other things in life that are far more upsetting than material things. Going over the limit at the express lane isn't as serious as worrying about your next meal. Not having the latest fashion is not as serious as having a deadly disease. Acting ballistic about things beyond your control isn't as serious as being paralyzed for the rest-of-your-life.
Oh, the little things we get upset about doesn't compare to what others are facing.
And now, I'm going to flip-the-other-side-of-the-coin.
But what I love most about praying to God is, that He doesn't grumble or hate to see me coming whenever I talk to Him about what's going on in my life. He doesn't ignore me or treat me like I'm not important or my feelings don’t count, the way people do.
I love how He sees and knows everything that goes in our lives, because He knows our stories and He knows how to solve our problems which appears unsolvable.
You see, beloved, God is concerned with the intent of our hearts. He's concerned about how we perceive things and how we respond. He's concerned about how we interact with others whether it’s good or bad. He's concerned about how others respond to us, too.
He doesn't mind when we're coming to Him in need of things, just to help us get by in life. He doesn't mind when we're baring our souls before Him, so He can fix whatever is broken in our lives. He doesn't mind wiping our tears when others offend us, or when we offend them. He doesn't mind coming to our rescue and being our Hero.
When someone is being rude to you, for no reason, cast your cares on Jesus.
When someone is trying to sabotage the God-given plans in your heart and you want to see them coming into fruition, cast your cares on Jesus.
When bills aren't being paid on-time, cast your cares on Jesus.
When you don't have food to eat, cast your cares on Jesus.
Whenever you're having a bad day, cast your cares on Jesus.
When your funds are short for the week, cast your cares on Jesus.
You want to know why I'm saying this, dear heart? It's because Jesus is Our Mediator between God and us. He was in the flesh, just like we are right now, and He understands and knows all about our afflictions and the situations we face. There's nobody like Jesus. Nobody can love you like Jesus can. Nobody can take care of you like Jesus can. Nobody can protect you from all hurt, harm, and danger, seen and unseen, like Jesus can. Nobody can fight your battles like Jesus can.
And when God steps in and save us from our troubles, my God, He does it well! He is so awesome and as my sister said to me on Sunday, "God is swag-nificent!" Yes, He is. He is altogether lovely. He is our Healer, Deliverer, and Our Best Friend. He's Sovereign. He reigns forever. Everything else will fall apart, but God's Word stands forever and He lives forever!
Let's Pray: Father, I come before You with my broken heart and I'm casting all my cares on You because Your Word says You care for me. Bless me to overcome daily battles of dealing with various behaviors wherever I am. Bless me to rely on you whenever I feel helpless. Lord, my bills are due and I need You to supply all my needs according to Your Riches in Glory through Jesus Christ. Bless me to smile in spite of the troubles I'm facing. Soothe my doubts and calm my fears, Lord, for I don't know what tomorrow brings. Fight my battles for me, even though it seems like I'm defeated. I need You to move by Your Spirit, Lord. Move every hindering obstacle out of my way. And assure me that everything will be all right, because You are on my side. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
If you believe in this prayer, you must know it's already done, and God will take care of you. Be encouraged and know that Jesus loves you and I do, too. There's nothing too hard for God and it doesn't matter if the situation is big or small. God has your back! Until next time, be blessed.

Friday, September 21, 2012

When We Mess Up : God's Mercy Triumphs Over Impossible Situations

"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." - (Hebrews 4:16 KJV)
Happy Fantastic and Fabulous Friday!!!
You're probably why I named this title and I have good reason to name it. I want to discuss on what happens when we make mistakes. And these questions swirl around our minds constantly. And I'm going to ask them, so you can recognize if this happened to you, or it is happening to you right now.
What happens when we make life-altering decisions that not only affect us, but those around us?
What happens we say things out of the heat-of-the-moment?
What happens we mistakenly accuse others for things while we're not sober-minded?
What happens when people give up on us and they never want to contact us again?
What happens when it seems like there is no hope after a colossal incident drastically alters our usual routine in living?
What happens if we're not forgiven?
If any of these questions hit home with you, then I'm glad you're reading today's message. I'm excited you're getting the spiritual assistance you need in your time of distress. Many times we're told to make right choices. Many times we're told, if we don’t qualify for certain positions in life, no one would take a chance on us. Many times we're told, if we do things perfectly, we'll be accepted in "cliques" forever, all because we fear loneliness or rejection when others don't approve who we really are.
Have you ever heard someone say to you: "You're not doing this right. Let me take over. You're always screwing up what I planned out for days." or "Stop being so clumsy. No one likes a klutz." or "Why must you always be so reckless when you make decisions that can affect you for the rest of your life? Or "Why can't you keep your mouth shut? Don't you know this job is the only job that pays bills?"
And whether we want to admit it or not, questions filled with doubt usually enter our minds constantly. And when we failed, we feel that we’re disappointing others, if we're not living the life they "planned" out for us. It's easy to surrender into peer pressure when we want to be accepted. It's easy to bite our tongue when we witness someone getting wrongfully terminated. It's easy to place blame on others for mistakes we made or ourselves when our situations fall apart.
It's easy to fall into addictions and never return to the life we once knew. It's easy to find comfort in the arms of another when we hate returning to an empty house or apartment. It's easy to reject others and mock them because we want to feel better about ourselves, convincing ourselves that we'll never end up like those who are "born-to-lose." It's easy to fall in depression when life keeps knocking us off our feet. It's easy to lose our minds when the pressure is crushing our necks. It's easy to possess pride and arrogance once we obtain our achievements we work so hard for, thinking they'll last forever, and then only to find the company we're working for is going bankrupt, and we wind up losing the very things we take heart in, and ultimately we need to start anew because of internal errors that our bosses made simply because of greed.
Yes, we're living in an unfair and a spiteful world. And if we're not cut out for certain opportunities, we might as well call it quits. But I want to inform you that no matter what you have done, there is an Advocate who will fight on your behalf.
There is Someone we can turn to, when all else fails. There is a Throne of Grace that will supply God’s Mercy and Grace when we're at our lowest point. There is a Redeemer who can make the wrong right and give you double for your trouble after all the chaos you endured. His Name is Jesus.
It's Jesus who pours compassion on us, when we enter our secret place confessing all our faults, disappointments, failures, and everything else that seems to come undone in our lives.
The Lord is merciful to all who call Him. He's here to answer our prayers when we exhausted every solution possible. He's the One who can soothe our doubts and calm our fears when all else fails. He's the One who can restore what's been broken or stolen in our lives.
He's near to those who are brokenhearted and of a contrite spirit. He loves us when we confess our heartfelt pleas to Him. He loves us when we open our hearts to Him and tell Him everything that concerns us. And He gives us Comfort like no other when we're forsaken, and when we're defeated. He knows how to make us whole when we give up on ourselves. He pours His Holy Spirit when He hears our cries and gives us the healing we need to survive another day.
He considers our issues, which weighs heavily on us. He rightly judges our predicaments and finds us justice, even when we're in our mess. He pardons our sins when we confess them to Him, and then He cleanses us from all unrighteousness and wipes our slates clean, so we can begin again without forgetting how He came to our rescue, and He’s making us whole when others say it's over for us.
Beloved, I want you to know it's not over until God says: It's over. As long as you're breathing, there's always hope. It doesn't matter if the economy is falling apart; God is able to take care of you. It doesn't matter if you're lonely, rejected, and despised, God will send you people after His own heart to give you a new definition in friendship.
It doesn't matter what you've done, God will redeem you and bless you in newness, so that your life will impact others. God is Almighty and no one can touch His Glory. Yes, God got swagger like that. No person's "swagger" can compare to God's swagger. He's bad like that. He has that lovely aroma about Him where He'll let you know it was nobody but Him, who worked it out for your good. He knows how come to your rescue and sweep you off your feet. He knows how to turn what's broken into something new. He knows how to make your enemies be at peace with you. He knows how to fight your battles for you when you're not able to defend yourself. He will love you better than your so-called friends and family who claim they will always be there for you.
God knows you will come across some people who will betray you. God knows you will have disappointments you didn't see coming. God knows you are doing the best you can, even when it seems like things are falling apart. God knows you're not out to hurt anybody, but you want to live a life He has already purposed for you. God knows every event that will take place in your life before you know about it, because He's God. God knows your future, for He has given you an expected end, a future filled with hope, and you best believe, He's already working it out for your good. And that right there, my friend, is when God’s Mercy triumphs over our impossible situations.
Let's Pray: Father, I come to You as I am, and my soul is bare before you. I'm facing an uncertain future that scares me to death because I've made choices in the past that defined me as a failure. Lord, I'm asking You to help me make the right decisions, which pleases You. Help me to recognize that I will not get it right every time, but bless me to walk by Your Mercy and Grace when I need it. Bless me with Your Divine Favor. Open doors that no one can shut and continue to protect me each day. Lord, make the wrong right and bless me with another chance to live again. In Jesus' name, Amen.
If you believe in this prayer, then God will restore you and bless you to press forward in a promising future only He can provide. I pray that you are healed and redeemed. Don't worry about what others are thinking about you or what they’re saying behind your back. Don't worry about what you will eat or wear tomorrow, for God will supply all your needs according to His Riches in Glory through Christ Jesus. Know that I love you with the love of Christ. Until next time, be blessed.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Releasing Your Burdens and Finding Rest: Keep Pressing On

"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest for unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." - (Matthew 11:28-30 KJV)

Happy Stompin' Saturday!!!

Do you feel like throwing in the towel?

Are you still suffering from past events or current ones in your life?

Do you ask yourself: What is the point of going on, when life keeps on throwing me curve balls?

Are you tired of being weary and angry?

Are you tired of carrying these burdens, which seems to overtake you?

If you are, I'm glad you stopped by to read this message. In today's text, it's talking about casting your burdens to The One who is able to set you free and leaving your problems in His Hands. You're probably wondering why I'm writing this to you today. It's because the Lord showed me there are people who are feeling weary and they’re wondering when will their storms end. But I've come to tell you to look no more, as God's Spirit is upon me, He wants you to know you are not alone and He will see you through. When Jesus was talking about our problems, He never mentioned about what type of problems we should bear to Him. Thank God.

God wants you to know He is here for you. He doesn't want you to carry your burdens alone. He didn't design us to bear our struggles and situations alone. He desires us to seek Him in everything we encounter. Why? Because He knows how to solve the unexplainable and He takes pleasure in assisting us, as we sincerely reach out to Him. He delights in us when we let down our guard and swallow our pride, and to acknowledge this-is-too-much-to-handle-on-our-own. Our disappointments become God's Divine Appointments.

Beloved, it doesn't matter what people are saying behind your back. It doesn't matter if your plans go twenty steps backwards instead of forward. It doesn't matter if the doctor says you only have six months to live. It doesn't matter if recession is kicking you left-and-right. And it doesn't matter if it appears that all hope is gone. You need to know within your heart that God is able to meet your every need above all you can ask or think.

Sometimes, it's easy to get sidetracked when we take a day-cation or vacation from our original plans. And it may be due to the fact of hanging around with the wrong crowd, or life-altering events swallowing us whole. It may be due to the fact that we're seeking consolation from other sources when life gets unbearable for us. We seek other people to fill-in what we're escaping from, or we’re trying to over-indulge in possessions, which is only a temporary-fix, to keep us feeling valuable, or we seek for other solutions like prescribed medication, alcohol, drugs, and any kind of addictions to keep us from losing our minds.

I'm being honest here. If we take a deeper look within our hearts, we all know that life happens. And it's sad to say, we actually have some people who can't accept, or don't want to believe, that life really does happen.

Not everything goes according to our plans. And if we're being real with ourselves, for one minute, we can actually say, "It sucks."

And yes, it does!

Just when we think we're delivered out of one scenario, here comes another one and another one, and another one until we hit rock bottom. And that's where we become unglued. This is where our true feelings come to surface about what's really going on in our lives. We begin to grumble and we become unpleasant, and we find ourselves losing every battle because we, as humans, hate to admit defeat.

Precious heart, I want you to know there is nothing wrong with admitting defeat, especially when our trials and tribulations are overtaking us. If you can relate to what I'm saying, at least give a "that's true" nod while reading this. We love to solve things for ourselves because society molds us to believe that if we ask for help, then it makes us appear weak, which equates to us being as "losers."

Thank God, this isn't true. When we come to the end of ourselves, it’s because we can't keep running forever. At some point-in-time, we need to stop and regroup ourselves. We need to get a new focus on life. We need to discover where we're making errors and when we need to eliminate those negative-spewing folks who love to rain on our parade, when we're motivated to do something new in our lives. That's when we need to run far away and get in a circle with like-minded folks who believe the way we believe.

Dear heart, not every person who is with you, is for you. Not every person wants to see you live beyond your wildest dreams. Why? It's because God gave you a dream to live your life to the fullest, and your life brings Glory to Him. Not every person wants you to discover the secret things God placed in your heart to find, when you're going through and getting to. You see, once they see you realizing the very thing they're trying to keep you from, they want to make sure you don't look better than them. (Don’t get me wrong—everyone has his or her season. When it’s your time to shine, allow yourself to shine wholeheartedly.) They believe they should always be number one! They believe that everything is all about them and they don't owe anything back in return.

Here's a little secret I want to share with you: People who believe it's all about themselves, finds themselves by themselves. Why? Because they believe they don't need help. They believe they're invincible and they can hurt whomever they please. They believe the more they get, the more they'll be respected.

Here's what I want you to ponder about, but what if a person does achieve everything he or she desires, and the people who entered in his or her life, along the way, recall how unpleasant he or she was to them? Does that sound like a truly successful person to you? No.

This is a severe care of narcissism. This type of person believes he or she will sit on top of the world forever, and he or she is convinced that he or she is exempt from frustrations, tribulations, illnesses, losing finances, and the list goes on and on. If you know anybody like this, you know what you have to do. Run! Run! RUN! Run away from people who want to devour you and want to keep you trapped when God has already appointed your season to flourish the way it's supposed to. Run away from those who have-not, and they don't want you to have because they don't have. Run away from those who always try to outshine you because they believe they are smarter than you, prettier than you, richer than you, or faster than you. Run away from those who don’t want to encourage you and from those who think you're a-nobody. Run away from those who always find negativity in everything.

Just because you're in your pit right now, it doesn't mean you'll always be there forever. There's a season for every situation that comes your way. But know when these pit-seasons arrive, they have a wonderful purpose; they are to refine you, mature you, bless you, and give you a new perspective on things you never knew was there before. And this is where we meet God at the altar.  Now, church folks believe the altar is only within the church. I want to clarify there is a difference between religious person and a true believer. Religious people believe wholeheartedly that it's their religion dignifies them and they actually believe they're “made right” in God's eyes, and they're already positioned in Him. Oh, boy, they're in for a rude-awakening! They believe once a person falls, there is no redemption and the person deserves to be punished for his or her deeds forever, and the person should never be forgiven.

A true believer knows that religion doesn’t save you, but it's a personal relationship with Our Savior who is up in Heaven, sitting on the Right Hand throne of God, to be our Intercessor in our time of need. We also know we make mistakes and others make mistakes as well. We also know that God’s Redemption is available to all who believe and need it. We also know that God makes the impossible, the unexplainable, and the unbearable into possible, explainable (once we’re coming out of our storm or still enduring it.), and bearable.

The altar, beloved, can be also in the privacy of your own home where no one sees what you have to endure. The altar is that secret place only you and God know about. He longs for us to confess the root of our problems. He wants to know everything we're feeling. And God won't take offense, because He understands and knows all! Believe me, whenever I go to God, praying about everything I'm concerned about, I say, "Lord, please forgive me for feeling this way about such-and-such, but this is how I'm feeling at the moment, and I want You to know I'm livid about what happened to me. And it isn't fair at all!" And He pardons my anger. In Ephesians 4:26 (NIV) tells us, "In your anger, do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry." God wants us to release how we feel, as long as we don't proceed with wrongful actions, which causes us to sin and end up in prison or dead somewhere! If anger is not handled properly, it can be misconstrued, and it can control us when we least expect it. And this is why we carry everything to God in prayer. At least, when confess our deepest fears and thoughts; it's safe with Him.

As we go to the Lord, He's allowing us to be ourselves in Him. He's giving us another opportunity in life while we’re in our secret closet (praying to God), when others say it's over for us. With God, it's never over because He's the Author and Finisher of our faith.

And this is what God wants to do with all of us. He wants us to come to the end of ourselves, so He can remove the wrong qualities we're possessing and replace them with His lovely attributes. He wants us to learn from our situation. He wants us to re-examine what went wrong. He wants us to pour our hearts to Him and fight our battles for us. He desires to orchestrate miracles on our behalf in the spiritual realm, while we're going through in the natural realm.

Beloved, it's in our darkest hours is where God reveals His Light to us. He wants us to see our situations in a new light like never before. He wants to equip us for the blessings He has in store for our lives. He longs for us to release our cares to Him because He truly wants His best for us: the gifts He puts inside you and to live your purposed life.

And while we release our concerns to God, this is when He blesses us to come out as pure gold after being tried through the fire. And then, we become wiser, we become less irritated when our blessings are on the waiting list. Remember: Our blessings are delayed—not denied. And when God doesn't answer certain prayers right away, He gently opens our eyes to see it wasn't for our best interest, and then we thank Him for not even permitting some of our requests coming in to fruition. Every thing that looks good to us is not good for us.

So, keep pressing on and don't give up or give in. When God wants to bless you, He's giving you His very best. If we have to wait for a little while, then let it be. There are precious treasures of insight He wants to share with us when we're doomed and trapped in our current situations. He wants us to see clearly about the people we hang with, about ourselves, about our emotions and why we feel this way, about our turmoil, and about our plans.

If you need prayer today about your troubles refusing to move, you're at the right place.

Let's Pray: Lord, I lift my hands to You in complete surrender about everything I'm enduring. I will be honest with You. I don't like where I'm at right now, but Lord, I’m asking you to lead and guide me of where You want me to be. I'm tired of being held back by others who don't want to see me succeed. I'm tired of everything going wrong in my life. My situation is getting the best of me and I'm not ashamed to ask for Your help. Lord, keep my perspective right before You and help me to recognize when You are moving on my behalf, even when it seems like nothing is working out for me. Bless me to trust in You, even when I'm afraid. Please don't let bitterness and anger overtake me. Instead, let me feel Your love. Bless me to walk by Your Mercy and Grace each day. I understand and realize that I don't get it right every time. And I also realize that I need You constantly in my life. Right now, I release my cares to You and even though I'm afraid, I'm asking You, in Jesus' Name, to reassure me that everything will be all right, and You are in control no matter what. I decree it by faith is done, In Jesus' name, Amen.

If you believe in this prayer, and that God is working it out for your good, God will provide a miracle for you. Be patient, if it doesn't come right away. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. He may not come when you want Him, but He'll be there right on time! He's always-on time and that, my friend, you can count on. Know that I love you with the love of Christ. Until next time, be blessed.


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Beloved, Think it Not Strange Part 2

"Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice inasmuch ye (you) are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye (you) may be glad with exceeding joy." - (1 Peter 4:12-13 KJV)

Happy Super and Serene Sunday!!!

I'm back and The Lord won't let me rest until I write part two of this message. As His Holy Spirit is upon me, I must say, God wants me to give you refreshment for your weary soul. And when you are weary, you want to surrender and walk away while everything and everyone gave up on you. Is this resonating with you? If so, then you're reading the right message. I'm so sensitive to God's Spirit that I want His Message to saturate your soul. I desire to please God on resuming with this mission He placed in my heart to do for Him. I don't take my call lightly and I don't play church just to appease others, so they can "like" me. It's not effective and it's not being real. I'm sorry, I don't mean to step on any toes, but I must keep it real, but in a way, where it speaks to your heart and gives you something to reflect on.

My heart is filled with so much joy because the Lord is moving in my life, even though in the natural, my situation appears bleak. But I thank God, I walk by faith and not by sight. I hear the Lord saying, He is looking for those who are willing to commit themselves to Him, and Him alone.

Being faithful to God, even when you slip, wins and woos His Heart for you each and every time. You want to know why? Because when you rely on God, God can't fail you, the way people will fail you. God won't betray you or toss you out once you do things for Him, or even when you fall occasionally. His pure love for you is why you're alive today.

You see, I'm fully committed to God even when situations go south for me.

"Why?" I hear you asking me.

I've come to an absolute conclusion and I have certainty that God will always come to my rescue, in spite of the devil's intentions to make me look bad. In the last post, I've stated I don't find it strange about things that happened to me anymore, because I'm learning that as long as I'm on Jesus' team, I will be lied on, laughed at, misunderstood, and persecuted. But it’s all to the Glory of God.

The year before I gave my life to the Lord, the enemy literally tried to choke me in my sleep when I used to live in my parents' home. I was sleeping with a blanket on. I started suffocating when I felt a strong force around my neck. But I fought back and called on Jesus, in my mind, and the enemy's evil spiritual hands were off my neck. When I woke up, I thought there was a thief in the house. But it was no one there. It was just my sisters who were sound asleep while I stayed awake, feeling terrified. Yes, this is true because Satan saw it coming that I would eventually give my life to God and I would be sold out for Him. And I still am. (Smiling.)

So, the devil is on my case. He knew that I had plans with someone I love dearly and I still have plans with this person because we made a covenant with God, to stick to the plans He has for us. That's why Satan gladly used them, whom were an opened vessel, last year, to get me fired. Satan didn't want me to see my loved ones again, because if I were still working, I would be on vacation right now, seeing my immediate family.

Now looking back, I'm glad God allowed it to happen because I was hurting so bad. I really didn't have time to grieve all the turmoil that happened to my family and to me. God wanted me to commune with Him and get into that secret place in Him. And yes, it is working out for my good. So, God wants to me write for Him, in the meantime, until my change comes. The enemy brought sickness on me last month, because he hates it when I pour out what the Lord wants me to share with you, so you can be set free. Whom the Son sets free, surely he or she is free, indeed.

And despite what the devil concocted for me, in 2011, he didn't win the battle because God has already settled my current situation, and now I'm waiting for the results to come in to fruition. I love how God brings people my way, in a bizarre way, because I know it is God, who is making these wrongs right.

You want to know why God keeps coming my rescue, it's because I really, really love Him and I'm totally committed to Him. He knows how to fill-in voids when I'm lonely, afraid, or hurting. He knows how to comfort me when I call on His Name. As Jesus said in John 14:18 (KJV), "I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you." God has given us a Comforter, which is His Holy Spirit, and His Holy Spirit is what makes intercessions for us, when we don't know what to pray for.

When people deny you and start acting crazy on you, God is there for you.

When people say you can't make it, God says your dreams will come to pass.

When people doubt what God has anointed you to do, He automatically makes His Presence known through His Glory shining brightly in your life.

When people talk junk about you, let them go about their business, for God saw what they did and heard what they said. God is not mocked, and they will reap what they sow. And you can take that to your bank account.

When people focus on making you unhappy because they're unhappy, make yourself scarce from them, all they will do is bring you down and they want you to stay there. But know that God's plan for you will come true, because God doesn't lie, the way people do.

When people are concentrating on crushing your dreams, know their evil schemes will be destroyed, because God will not let your fiery trial take you under.

Don't you find it strange when people are coming against you, and they promise they will always be there for you?

You will come across situations that will make your scratch your head once you're thrown in the metaphorical fire. You will feel the flames turning up higher, as you struggle to hang on to God's Promises for your life.

Beloved, I stopped scratching my head last year and came to the conclusion, that I'm closer to my blessing than I think. That's right. I know I am.

And I'm going to say it again. I don't find it strange anymore when backstabbers betray me.

I don't find it strange anymore when God revealed all the clues He wanted me to see what happened in 2011. And the more I reflect what happened to me, the more it makes sense.

I don't find it strange anymore when God keeps showing me that things are not what they always appear to be.

I don't find it strange anymore when people act up on me with no legitmate reason, and it's because they see God in me.

I don't find it strange anymore when Satan tries to discourage my sisters and abort their dreams, because God will always use me for His Glory to encourage them that they will go on and God will show Himself strong in their lives and mine, too.

I don't find it strange anymore when God shows me about certain folks, who were in my life last year, and what they have done behind my back; and they actually delude themselves to believe they're getting away with what they did to me. Yes, God loves us unconditionally, but I want to be clear, He doesn’t condone wickedness, when evil deeds hurt innocent bystanders.

Beloved, I'm telling you it's all right, because God has already ordered my steps before I entered my mother's womb. God has already set-it-in-motion for my life, for greater and better things to come my way, no matter how long I'm waiting on His Promises to come into fruition. My blessings are delayed, not denied. Your blessings are delayed, not denied. And when I look back, I have never seen God not delivering His Promises to me. When He revealed to me people would apologize to me, back in 2007 and 2008, it came true.

When He told me I would get my apartment through Section 8, yes, beloved, that came true as well. And I'm still living in my home, as we speak!

When He told me and showed me how the woman would betray me in church, and when and where it would take place, back in 2007, yes, beloved, it came true!

When He revealed the mysteries of last year's unnecessary sufferings that was brought in my life, yes, they came true, too, because they happened exactly like God said, and He revealed to me what was in my enemies' hearts. Yes, they hate me so much—they desire to see me fall.

But guess what? I'm still here. And it's truly by the grace of God. Family will turn on you. Friends will walk away. Enemies will always connive diabolical plans to hurt you, but I come to here to tell you that God is on your side. Rejoice and know He's coming to your rescue. Rejoice and know He'll never leave you nor forsake you. Rejoice and know that God is faithful and true. Rejoice and know that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord and they are called according to His Purpose. Beloved, rejoice and know that when God arises, your enemies will scatter! Is there anything too hard for God? He turns the impossible into possible. He knows how to make a way out of no way! When you’re down to your last dime, God always steps-in-on-time!

He knows how to wipe your tears and calm your fears when your back’s against the wall. He knows how to send you assistance when it seems like everyone has forsaken you. He knows how to love you. He makes His Presence known in your life daily, that He's here for you. When you wake up out of bed, you're blessed to see another day. When you can get up and clean for yourself, shower for yourself, put clothes on your back, and even have food to eat, you're blessed. When you receive threatening letters about eviction or shut-off notices, God finds a way to keep you safe and you're still living in the home He blessed you to have.

God is God. He is Alpha and Omega. He is our Redeemer. He is our Healer. He is Sovereign. God will do whatever He wants to, whenever He wants to, because He is God.

So, beloved, the next time you find it strange when things start happening out-of-the-blue, rejoice with exceeding joy to know God is working it out for your good. He's cleaning up situations in your life and He's getting ready to do a new thing in you. Don't be discouraged and don't be dismayed, God is here for you. Behind every dark cloud, there's a silver lining. And when the storm is over, you will see the sun shining. I'm learning to praise God in spite of the frustrations I've endured. I'm learning to be in His Presence through talking to Him daily about everything in my life. I'm learning to lean on my faith, because my human intellect can only carry me so far, but with my faith in God will exceed beyond my wildest dreams, because I dare to believe God even if it sounds crazy. Yes, I believe God. When He says He will make my enemies pay for what they did to me in 2011, oh yes, you best believe vengeance belongs to Him, because He is the ultimate Judge and He has the final say.

In your bitterness, beloved, be honest with Him and don't leave anything out. It's okay to be real with God because He understands you, He knows you, and He cares about you.

Stay away from evil. Don’t get even because they harmed you. It will not benefit anything for your soul. Let God fight your battles for you. When He fights your battles for you, He always comes out victorious.

Delight yourself in God and do good, and He will give you the desires of your heart, when it lines up with His Will for your life.

And finally, after you've done all you can, stand. Stand on His Word. Stand on His Promises. I guarantee you, when God delivers you out of your situation, you'll be extremely satisfied with the results, because He loves you and He truly wants what is best for you.

Prayer: Lord, I give thanks to You because You are God. I know You are Mighty and Able. I trust and know You have already worked out my situation for my good. Lord, deliver me and give me peace, a peace that passes all understanding. Bless me to always be honest with you, no matter how bad my problems offend me. Bless me to overcome this battle with Your help and strengthen me in my time of weakness. For when I am weak, that is when You make me strong in You. I believe by faith it's already done. In Jesus' name, Amen.

May your hearts be encouraged! Continue to fight the good fight of faith! Don't let anyone deter you from pursuing whatever God placed in your heart to do on Earth. Cleave to what is good and have no dealings with evil. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but as long as you have Jesus on your side, you will live your life abundantly above all you can ask or think. And know I love you with the love of Christ. Until next time, be blessed.


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Beloved, Think it Not Strange Part 1

"Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye (you) are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye (you) be glad with exceeding joy." - (1 Peter 4:12-13 KJV)

Happy Stompin' Saturday!!!!

Oh, it's a lovely day in spite of the rain showering its way through New York. But I'm glad to be alive. As many of you know, I caught a terrible cold and for a minute there, I didn't think I would recover, but thanks be unto God, He healed me. I owe it all to Him. I don't take it for granted to get out of bed when He wakes me up. I don't take it for granted that He blessed me with another year to live in my apartment despite what my enemies did to me last year. God is a good God!!!!

Forgive me for my excitement, but the Lord's Spirit is resting on me to nourish you with encouragement, while you are hurting from past or current situations. Today's text is talking about think it not strange about fiery trials (yes, I'm using plural, because most of us have more than one situation swinging baseballs our way!), which are to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you. I pray that God has His Way in this post and you are tremendously blessed with what the Lord is saying to you, precious heart. You need to know when things are occurring bizarrely in your life, and sometimes when this happens, it can be of our own doing, but the majority of trials that come our way are not our fault.

Hang in there with me. You're probably wondering why I'm saying this. I'm going to elaborate. You see, speaking from a Christian's point-of-view, you do your best to live a blameless life, and the enemy doesn't like it—at all!

When you surrendered your life over to Christ, who died for our sins, and acknowledged to God you need Him in every aspect of your life, His Holy Spirit births something new in your soul. You no longer carry worldly traits of what the world says, "It's the right thing to do when someone attacks you." The battles on Earth doesn't belong to you anymore, they belong to God, and God alone.

When you're in a pit, whatever pit it may be, God will show you things you haven't noticed before when you were in a difficult position with the adversary (the devil). He begins to uncover clues that were standing right in your face the entire time. And yes, He will reveal your answers in the biggest way possible!

You see, I'm learning that we, as people, tend to think we can manipulate others who we perceive as "naïve." Oh, this couldn't be further from the truth. The Holy Spirit is there to take the blinders off our eyes to really see what we've been ignoring all along. But what I love about God is, when He makes a promise, He never goes back on His Word and His Word never returns to us void. One thing is solid and true: God's Word.

And it's up to us, beloved, to open our spiritual eyes and actually see what the Lord is revealing to us about our situations and people in our lives.

All weekend long, I've been giving God ridiculous praise because He's getting ready to clean up what the devil meant for evil in my life last year. And oh yeah, I'm getting the last laugh because God is in control.  When God comes to deliver you, He does it, in a way, where it's quick and He'll convict your heart to know that it was nobody but Him. That's what I love about the Lord, He always make the wrong right. We, humans, mess up situations royally, but God fixes our situations abundantly above all we can ask or think because He's God. Everything He does, He does it well. I love to boast about God because He's my Deliverer, my Best Friend, and He's my WORLD!!!

God made a promise to me last year that He’s going to repay those who caused me misery in my life with the same measure, but one thousand times worse, because what they did was wicked in His Sight. You see, when I came to New York, in late 2003, the Lord visited me and told me, like He did with Abraham in Genesis 12:3 (KJV): I will bless them that bless you, and curse them that curse you.  God takes offense when someone comes against His elect and intentionally harms him or her because of the Holy Communion he or she has with God. It’s dangerous territory messing with God’s anointed (all who believe in Him, this has nothing to do with rank. God knows who sincerely loves Him) and His Word tells us this. “Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.” – (1 Chronicles 16:22, Psalms 105:15 KJV). And this line up with the scripture, in Galatians 6:10 (KJV), about being good to every one, especially to the household of faith, “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good to all men (people), especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” It’s clear that God doesn’t want us to mistreat each other, saved or not. I want you to know I don't rejoice in people's downfalls, because we all fall short! Only God judges accurately about our situations accordingly to how He sees fit, in Him there is no lie. He sees the whole picture clearly. However, it's up to us to recognize when we make mistakes that we must make the wrong right and learn from our shortcomings. That's what makes a person redeemed in God's eyes and then He reveals His Glory to the people around him or her to know He is real in his or her life.

I know what I'm talking about because God has redeemed me in the past. And He's still redeeming me right now, even when others, who wanted me to fall flat on my face, can't see it. When the enemy sends people to throw you off-track or condemn you, you must know it's not from God. For God is not about condemnation, but He is about justice and liberty! God doesn't want us bound, whether you believe in God or not, He wants us free in Him, so we can enjoy life the way He intends us to for His Good Pleasure.

Beloved, one thing I'm learning I don't find it strange when others smile in my face, thinking they're slick, and they delude themselves thinking I can't tell when they're lying to me. God shows me exactly what they’re hiding from me, even when they can’t look at me straight.

I don't find it strange when those who are close to you betray you in the most upsetting way.

I don't find it strange when people hold grudges against you and then open Satan's door to be used for evil and make you fall in their trap. Hey, we all hold grudges in our hearts, especially when the person is not sorry for intentionally hurting us, in the first place. And that is a normal feeling, but if the person realizes what he or she has done and he or she corrects the mistake, forgive him or her. We’re all human and we all make mistakes and we all deserve forgiveness. Think of it this way: if the situation were reversed, we would want to be forgiven. Nonetheless, holding grudges too long will open the door for evil, if we don’t check it early by being honest with God on how we feel what others have done to us.

I don't find it strange when people try to use you only when it suits them, and then they drop you like a bad-habit after they get what they can out of you.

I don't find it strange in this world, we're living in today, that chaotic things are happening when we turn on the news to learn about tragic events.

I don't find it strange when you have a personal relationship with God, and the enemy comes to sift you and leaves you destitute spiritually; convincing you to believe that all hope is gone.

I don't find it strange when backstabbers call themselves "a friend" or “family” when all they want to devour what God gave to you, and you alone.

I don't find it strange when others mock you because they see God's Hand over your life and He blesses you with His Anointing you paid a high price for, and they don't know what you had to surrender—in order to get His Anointing.

If you're hurting, dear heart, know your change is coming soon. Remember: God's timing is not our timing and when He delivers us on His time, He does it for a reason. I can hear you asking, "What do you mean, Chimere?"

I'm about to explain. During your time for deliverance, He's molding you, maturing you, blessing you, helping you, and answering your prayers while going through. And during this dark phase in your life, He wants you to be closer to Him than ever, so when good times come, you don't take them for granted and still keep God in your heart. It's easy to get lost in this sin-filled world and to think that material things, people, and other situations are supposed to make us "whole" or "special." We are already special because God had us in mind and He loved us first, when He created us, beloved.

I'm learning that when I have or don't have, God is enough. When people betray me or forsake me, yes, precious heart, God is enough. And He knows how to give you everlasting joy that comes from Him, and Him alone. He knows how to sing you a song in a strange land. He knows how to soothe your doubts and calm your fears when it seems like there is no way out. He is a Way-Maker, a Keeper, and a Deliverer. He's a Provider, He's a Healer, and He's our Peace-Maker. Whenever you're in trouble and you feel like you're about to lose your mind, call on Jesus, and He always steps-in-on-time!

Whatever it is you're going through today, know that God has already worked out your problems for you in advance. And if you believe by faith, that it's already done, then give God praise right now.

So, don't be discouraged when fiery trials come in like a flood, attempting to drown you. Know that God will not let the fire consume you or let the water take you under. He will always rescue you because your life is in His Hands and no one will pluck you out of His Hands.

For those who need prayer for deliverance, you're at the right place and I pray that you are healed, in Jesus' Name, and He will set you free and fight your battles for you.

Let's Pray: Father, I come to You for my deliverance. I'm bound by so many situations, I feel like I can't breathe. But I ask you, in Jesus' Name, to set me free from my current heartaches, to set me free from the hands of my enemies while they pursue me relentlessly, and to hide me in Your Pavilion and bless me to not be bitter, even when times I still feel bitter and angry for the unfair treatment I received and I'm still receiving in my life, bless me to be better in You. Save me from my troubles, and please don't hide Your Face from me anymore. Answer me, Lord, and I'll receive all that You have for me. I decree it by faith that it's already done, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

If you believe in this prayer that God has already worked it out for your good, then thank Him in advance and wait for your miracles to arrive. May you be encouraged and fight the good fight of faith. And know that I love you with the love of Christ. Until next time, be blessed.