Friday, May 4, 2012

The Real You

Happy Fun Friday!

I’m here to talk about the lighter side of things just to get you ready for the weekend. Thursday nights are my TV nights I love tuning in to Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal, and now Tuesdays because of Private Practice. I admire creator/writer Shonda Rhimes because she always keeps a fresh perspective on life and it's usually on point because she understands and know how people, in this world, are. She touched a topic with April Kepner on Grey's Anatomy that rings true in my heart because it’s hard for most real Christians (I’m not talking about religious folks, there’s a difference between spiritual and religious) to get by in the world. I can personally attest to this because I rarely mention my personal beliefs especially in the workforce.


I know how most people are. Usually they’re close-minded. It’s sad, but true. And I’m going to further elaborate. Most who doesn’t have understanding tends to put Christians in categories and wrongful assumptions because too many hypocrites who are “professing” to live the “life” with their mouths and not with their hearts. And it gives us true Christians a bad name. There’s a point I’m making here, so bear with me. This applies to all aspects of life; who are facing this and you don’t necessarily have to be a Christian to be misunderstood when you’re not living what society calls “normal.”

I’ll give you a few examples of stereotypes that are made against Christians. Note: I loathe stereotypes; I do my best to stay away from them. I know that most generalizations and stereotypes are lies!

Examples: We’re called crazy. Holy rollers. Harsh. Judgmental. Weird. We wear ugly clothing and have no style. We don’t understand “life.” Isolated. Unfriendly. Cruel. And all of these stereotypes I named off the top of my head are just what some people perceive as “true.” And I sincerely say this: NONE OF THIS IS TRUE!!!!

We’re not that way at all. Real Christians understand and know everyone falls and mess up. But it’s how you get back up after you fall. We know full well what God’s mercy and grace is all about. He forgives us after we admit our faults and turn it over to Him, and we are easily forgiven and our slate is wiped clean, not by people, but by Him because He has the final say. Real Christians listen to people, the scribes and Pharisees in our day, who are called as “outcasts!” We’re inviting and we’re highly aware we make mistakes, but we do our best to correct the mistakes we make if we hurt someone that costs something important to him or her. And when the person we offend forgives us and still wants to be our friend, that’s where honest redemption kicks in.

Yes, I’m all for being real, for being real is the only way to be in this thing we call life.

I have a problem when we, as people, are told by society, who possesses limited perspectives, by the way, to be what is seen as the “right” and “only” way. We have different people everywhere we go. When we judge based on what we see on the outside, we must ask ourselves, are we rushing to false conclusion too quickly?

You bet. If you’re not pretty enough, rich enough, thin enough, or not qualified (and the list goes on and on) in this hasty 21st Century we live in, we’re considered outcasts. The un-cool. Dorks. Need I say more?

As I mentioned in my last post, it doesn’t matter if you believe in God or not. I meant what I said. Never please others to seek their approval when it will only cost you heartache in the end.

I never understand why society wants us to live in such a plastic world that breaks every individual inwardly? We must ask ourselves this: why is it so much easier to pretend to be someone we’re not versus to be who we really are?

One, we want acceptance. I don’t know one person who doesn’t want to be accepted.

Two, we want to be loved unconditionally. Sad to say, not everyone loves without limitations. If we’re honest, we creatures have limits. The Only One who doesn’t have any limits is God and God alone. His love is there forever and when everyone else walks away, you best believe He is always here for you even when you feel you’re alone.

Three, keeping up with temporary fads makes us important outwardly but not in our hearts. That’s where voids step in.

We have emptiness and we're longing to be loved and accepted, and wanting to be free from biased opinions and prejudices.  It’s rare to find real people these days because it seems like in the role of society: every one has a “price.”

This is further from the truth. Some things aren’t worth selling your soul to. If you want something so desperately just to seek approval, you best believe the deal you made with the other person will come back to haunt you later.

A real person will not have any hang ups about you, he or she will accept everything about you and not changing anything that makes you who you are.  I’m not talking about changing someone to be the ideal candidate; for none of us can make a person we want him or her to be.

When a person tends to bring out the worst in you. It’s time to question why he or she shouldn’t be in your life. If he or she always tries to make you look bad by poking fun of who you are, this tells you the issues are lying deep within him or her—not you. If you’re doing all you can to make it work and the result is the same, then it’s definitely the other party. A person who refuses to acknowledge when he or she is at fault, then he or she is filled with pride, arrogance, and self-righteousness like he or she)can’t do anything wrong, but he or she is always “right” and always “perfect.” No one is perfect. Period.

I’ve experienced this with people who I’m extremely glad they’re not in my life anymore. This type tends to never consider what you’re saying to them and they’re narcissistic. And that’s a sad way to be. If you can’t consider what the other person is saying to you, then you need to self-examine your heart. Not misjudging the other person.

It’s the matters of the heart that counts. Not how much money you have in the bank or the cars you drive or the house you live in. You can have all those things and still be a hot mess inside. Don’t be fooled by what you see on the outside, there’s something much deeper that is going on inside! People don’t behave out of the norm for no reason. Someone conditioned them to be that way and most people feel that is the way to adapt to life.

I’m telling you because I love you enough to tell you the truth. No, life doesn’t have to be this way. It’s all you how you make it. Perception is the ultimate key to life. When we put things into perspective, life makes more sense.

My message for you today: if there are people in your life putting pressure on you, trying to groom you into someone you’re not. Don’t fall in the pressure--for you are not a mistake! Live, learn, and grow. When we stop living: we stop growing and learning as people.

If you find yourself alone, don’t worry; in time you will have friends who will love you the way you are. You will never have to hide who you are destined to be. Let your true self shine brightly and if the others aren't impressed, then they're certainly not meant to be in your life. For there will be someone else who totally gets you.

Accept and you will be accepted. It takes some time. But, eventually, you’ll get there. Enjoy your day and always be the real you.

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