Friday, September 21, 2012

When We Mess Up : God's Mercy Triumphs Over Impossible Situations

"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." - (Hebrews 4:16 KJV)
Happy Fantastic and Fabulous Friday!!!
You're probably why I named this title and I have good reason to name it. I want to discuss on what happens when we make mistakes. And these questions swirl around our minds constantly. And I'm going to ask them, so you can recognize if this happened to you, or it is happening to you right now.
What happens when we make life-altering decisions that not only affect us, but those around us?
What happens we say things out of the heat-of-the-moment?
What happens we mistakenly accuse others for things while we're not sober-minded?
What happens when people give up on us and they never want to contact us again?
What happens when it seems like there is no hope after a colossal incident drastically alters our usual routine in living?
What happens if we're not forgiven?
If any of these questions hit home with you, then I'm glad you're reading today's message. I'm excited you're getting the spiritual assistance you need in your time of distress. Many times we're told to make right choices. Many times we're told, if we don’t qualify for certain positions in life, no one would take a chance on us. Many times we're told, if we do things perfectly, we'll be accepted in "cliques" forever, all because we fear loneliness or rejection when others don't approve who we really are.
Have you ever heard someone say to you: "You're not doing this right. Let me take over. You're always screwing up what I planned out for days." or "Stop being so clumsy. No one likes a klutz." or "Why must you always be so reckless when you make decisions that can affect you for the rest of your life? Or "Why can't you keep your mouth shut? Don't you know this job is the only job that pays bills?"
And whether we want to admit it or not, questions filled with doubt usually enter our minds constantly. And when we failed, we feel that we’re disappointing others, if we're not living the life they "planned" out for us. It's easy to surrender into peer pressure when we want to be accepted. It's easy to bite our tongue when we witness someone getting wrongfully terminated. It's easy to place blame on others for mistakes we made or ourselves when our situations fall apart.
It's easy to fall into addictions and never return to the life we once knew. It's easy to find comfort in the arms of another when we hate returning to an empty house or apartment. It's easy to reject others and mock them because we want to feel better about ourselves, convincing ourselves that we'll never end up like those who are "born-to-lose." It's easy to fall in depression when life keeps knocking us off our feet. It's easy to lose our minds when the pressure is crushing our necks. It's easy to possess pride and arrogance once we obtain our achievements we work so hard for, thinking they'll last forever, and then only to find the company we're working for is going bankrupt, and we wind up losing the very things we take heart in, and ultimately we need to start anew because of internal errors that our bosses made simply because of greed.
Yes, we're living in an unfair and a spiteful world. And if we're not cut out for certain opportunities, we might as well call it quits. But I want to inform you that no matter what you have done, there is an Advocate who will fight on your behalf.
There is Someone we can turn to, when all else fails. There is a Throne of Grace that will supply God’s Mercy and Grace when we're at our lowest point. There is a Redeemer who can make the wrong right and give you double for your trouble after all the chaos you endured. His Name is Jesus.
It's Jesus who pours compassion on us, when we enter our secret place confessing all our faults, disappointments, failures, and everything else that seems to come undone in our lives.
The Lord is merciful to all who call Him. He's here to answer our prayers when we exhausted every solution possible. He's the One who can soothe our doubts and calm our fears when all else fails. He's the One who can restore what's been broken or stolen in our lives.
He's near to those who are brokenhearted and of a contrite spirit. He loves us when we confess our heartfelt pleas to Him. He loves us when we open our hearts to Him and tell Him everything that concerns us. And He gives us Comfort like no other when we're forsaken, and when we're defeated. He knows how to make us whole when we give up on ourselves. He pours His Holy Spirit when He hears our cries and gives us the healing we need to survive another day.
He considers our issues, which weighs heavily on us. He rightly judges our predicaments and finds us justice, even when we're in our mess. He pardons our sins when we confess them to Him, and then He cleanses us from all unrighteousness and wipes our slates clean, so we can begin again without forgetting how He came to our rescue, and He’s making us whole when others say it's over for us.
Beloved, I want you to know it's not over until God says: It's over. As long as you're breathing, there's always hope. It doesn't matter if the economy is falling apart; God is able to take care of you. It doesn't matter if you're lonely, rejected, and despised, God will send you people after His own heart to give you a new definition in friendship.
It doesn't matter what you've done, God will redeem you and bless you in newness, so that your life will impact others. God is Almighty and no one can touch His Glory. Yes, God got swagger like that. No person's "swagger" can compare to God's swagger. He's bad like that. He has that lovely aroma about Him where He'll let you know it was nobody but Him, who worked it out for your good. He knows how come to your rescue and sweep you off your feet. He knows how to turn what's broken into something new. He knows how to make your enemies be at peace with you. He knows how to fight your battles for you when you're not able to defend yourself. He will love you better than your so-called friends and family who claim they will always be there for you.
God knows you will come across some people who will betray you. God knows you will have disappointments you didn't see coming. God knows you are doing the best you can, even when it seems like things are falling apart. God knows you're not out to hurt anybody, but you want to live a life He has already purposed for you. God knows every event that will take place in your life before you know about it, because He's God. God knows your future, for He has given you an expected end, a future filled with hope, and you best believe, He's already working it out for your good. And that right there, my friend, is when God’s Mercy triumphs over our impossible situations.
Let's Pray: Father, I come to You as I am, and my soul is bare before you. I'm facing an uncertain future that scares me to death because I've made choices in the past that defined me as a failure. Lord, I'm asking You to help me make the right decisions, which pleases You. Help me to recognize that I will not get it right every time, but bless me to walk by Your Mercy and Grace when I need it. Bless me with Your Divine Favor. Open doors that no one can shut and continue to protect me each day. Lord, make the wrong right and bless me with another chance to live again. In Jesus' name, Amen.
If you believe in this prayer, then God will restore you and bless you to press forward in a promising future only He can provide. I pray that you are healed and redeemed. Don't worry about what others are thinking about you or what they’re saying behind your back. Don't worry about what you will eat or wear tomorrow, for God will supply all your needs according to His Riches in Glory through Christ Jesus. Know that I love you with the love of Christ. Until next time, be blessed.

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