Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Two Categories in Deliverance

"Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him (her) out of them all." - (Psalms 34:19 KJV)
Happy Wonderful Wednesday!!!
In spite of Hurricane Sandy devastating the East Coast, I asked God what would He like for me to say to His People this week. And it's strange because I was speaking with my sister Tiffany about two categories of deliverance, which the Lord dropped in my spirit. Here are the two categories: 1. Struggles. 2. Trouble. The Lord reminded me as long as I'm living on Earth, I am constantly going to need deliverance. And until God perfects His work in me of whom He wants me to be, that's when I know He'll welcome me in to Heaven saying, "Well done, thy good and faithful servant." Boy, what a day that will be when I see Jesus welcoming me home.
But I want to discuss about deliverance because there are many of us who desperately needs it. I don't know one person who doesn't need deliverance, when he or she actually does.
Struggles: This category falls under our shortcomings when we slip every now-and-then. It's important to recognize our struggles because it will help us become free of falling into constant trouble. Struggles can be addictions of any sort, and they don’t necessarily have to be addressed with alcohol or drugs. That's one way of looking at struggles. But here's another way of perceiving struggles. They can be associated with addictions in pornography, profanity, doubt, worry, fear, low self-esteem, anger, self-righteousness, wrongful judging, eating disorders, overeating, hoarding, overspending, lust, comparisons, perfection, obsession, sex, cheating, masturbation, holding grudges, etc. Forgive me, if I have forgotten any more struggles. However, this is a clue to help us understand ourselves better on why we do the things we do, or what trigger us to fall into these struggles.
It also helps us in becoming less judgmental and more understanding about who others are and we are as well. If any of these struggles I listed up here or not, grasp at your heart. You're reading the right message today.
So many are deceived to believe this saying, "Once your saved, you're always saved." Don't buy into that lie for one second. With just giving our lives to Christ, alone, is the first step, but it's staying saved is what makes it a challenge. I'm speaking to those who get what I'm saying here. Living in denial of thinking we hit the mark every time is not realistic and it's a pitfall to quickly fall into temptation of any form.
Our own righteousnesses, they are filthy rags. But when we're washed under God's righteousness and He declares us as righteous, no one can condemn or judge us, even though they try hard to, but it won't work because no weapon formed against us shall prosper. And even if the weapon succeeded, you better believe that scheme is bound to explode and cause dire consequences.
When we have people who are listening to us and understanding us, they totally get us and never make us feel bad because we're lacking spiritually. Those are the type of people you want to be around. Most people, whom I come across with, can easily talk to me about their problems, and it's because I have three simple codes I live by: listening, understanding, and not judging. Hey, we all make mistakes because we're human. We're not invincible. And that is the truth.
Once we listen, I mean really listen, we begin to understand others and ourselves more clearly, and our hearts will soften and we are more compassionate to those around us. We need more compassion. We must see needs and not faults. I always do my best to see a person's needs and not his or her faults, because I know we all need someone who gets us completely and still loves us unconditionally.
Now, there are some people, who won't receive us at all, no matter how hard we try to make the relationship work, some people believe we're constantly in the wrong, and they're not wrong—at all! And it's a sad way to live, if I'm being honest. I actually feel sorry for these types of people, who believe they're always right, or in the right, and what they don't realize is they're cutting off their blessings and relationships, which God wants to accomplish in their lives.
We can't have this mindset to disassociate ourselves with others simply because we don't like the way they look, or view life differently from us, or when they're gently and lovingly pointing out our errors, which can destroy us wholeheartedly, if we're not careful! We can't be impatient with others when they make slip-ups. And if God didn't do it to us, why should we do it to others? And that's something we must consider.
Trouble: Trouble is a situation that happens beyond our control, which causes us distress. Hurricane Sandy is a great example. There were some people who actually believed that Hurricane Sandy was going to be like Hurricane Irene. This is the ultimate reason why we shouldn't assume! And this is when trouble occurs; it's due to assumption. There's nothing worse than assuming, because when we assume, we're not making an accurate assessment about situations, and we usually wind up looking crazy, and others are hurt through having their reputations ruined for something they didn't do, just because we assume.
Trouble is finances, family related issues, a friendship ending, health failing, losing homes and cars, spreading rumors, recession, losing businesses, an untimely death, etc. And this type of trouble gets the best of us when our stress levels are extremely high. It causes us to judge our predicaments poorly because we're going by how we feel and not claiming life over our dead situations. Life happens.
But what happens when our struggles and trouble become one?
I know what you're thinking: "How is that possible?"
You can believe our struggles can easily turn into our trouble. When we don't get a hold over our struggles behind closed doors, they become exposed when it affects others around us, and not just ourselves. Our struggles turn into diseases, which blow out of proportion because we get to a place where no one can tell us anything. We know everything and we don't consider how they're feeling anymore. Our hearts grow hard and we don't even recognize who we are anymore.
We don't want to get to that place, and once we enter that place, we wind up living lonely. I want to be clear this kind of loneliness is not the same form of loneliness when God is taking you to a new level in your life, and He wants to bless you because He wants to use you for His Glory.
The wrong form of loneliness, I’m referring to, isolates us from those who really cares about us. When our addictions/struggles overtake us, we're not the same people we used to be, because we tend to shut everyone out who is simply trying to us help or understand us.
And how do we set ourselves free from our struggles and trouble?
By confessing to God about what we're feeling inside.
By constantly seeking God to show us what we're struggling in.
By praying about everything. Nothing should be overlooked or be considered as a promise for tomorrow, for nothing is promised.
And by correcting our mistakes once God brings to our attention of where we made error.
It's important to remember we take responsibility for our actions. When we are held accountable for our actions, this is the time to reconsider of what's really important. Small things always lead to big things. Every detail counts. It makes our outcome for what it is.
We can't always go by what we see, for things are not what they appear to be. There's always more to a circumstance than what meets the eye. We will know the truth and the truth will set us free. And once we ask God for His Perspective along with His Wisdom and Guidance, we can overcome anything with His Help, for God specializes in the impossible and turning it into possible.
Prayer: Lord, I surrender my struggles over to you right now. I ask You to help me recognize my weaknesses and strengthen me in them. Deliver me out of every struggle I encounter, so I can be closer to You in every way. Burn out anything in me that's not of You and bless me to have more of Your Spirit in everything I do, so You are glorified. Lord, I'm also facing trouble. I'm asking You to help recognize whether it's of my own doing or it's just an enemy attack. And if it's of my own doing, bless me to correct my mistakes. Lord, mend destroyed relationships, which are beyond repair. And if I'm in the wrong, open my eyes so I see clearly what I have done to hurt others. Open their hearts with Your compassion to let me in and forgive me. And if they’re in the wrong, I ask You, in Jesus' Name, to open their eyes and convict their spirits to make the wrong right. Help them in their struggles as well, so it won't lead them into unwanted trouble. Give them Your strength to acknowledge their ways and apologize to others or me, they hurt along the way. Restore broken relationships in their lives as well, so You are glorified. I know I will never be perfect, but I thank You for delivering me and setting me free. I believe by faith it's done. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
If you believe in this prayer, may God restore you and bless you in every trouble and struggle you're facing. May He bless you to grow in His Grace and to walk in His Love, so you are able to love others freely with His Love. Jesus loves you very much and I do, too. Until next time, be blessed.

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